Feb 192009
Office Space 10th Anniversary - Photo by Jette K

Office Space 10th Anniversary - Photo by Jette K

I’m a little late on this, but that’s nothing new. I’ve seen several posts re-capping the Office Space 10th Anniversary screening at the Paramount a little over a week ago and have been insanely jealous and kicking myself for not trying to get tickets.

If you’ve never seen Office Space, go out and rent it immediately. Better yet, buy it. You’ll want to see it again once you’ve seen it the first time anyway (and after that go rent Idiocracy). The 10th anniversary was held here probably because it was filmed in Austin and is Mike Judge’s home town. I used to see him at several South Austin eateries.

I sent out the first link on Twitter a week or so ago. Jette K, Austin film critic extraordinaire, has posts on Cinematical and Slackerwood with reviews of the events along with some pretty great shots.

The Alamo Drafthouse blog also had a couple of posts: one pointing to a Flickr photo set and the other about a  G4 Attack of The Show episode that covered the anniversary festivities.

An old co-worker spent most of the summer of ’98 as an extra in the film for about 5 seconds of screen time.

 Posted by on February 19, 2009 at 9:06 am

  One Response to “Office Space 10th Anniversary Round-Up”

  1. It was on HBO recently. I guess like Dazed and Confused, another "Austin" film, you had to be there to appreciated it.

    My time in Cube hell in the 1982-1986 period in NY wasn’t at all. In fact, I’d go as far as saying it was some of the more fun years of my life. But then we didn’t work for a boss like that, we were all highly motivated and highly paid and regularly organised "lobster" parties out in the parking lot… etc.

    Office space – nah, not so much.

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