Sophia took a few pictures of the kids at Odd Friday. They weren’t there very long as The Wife and I had a miscommunication. We ran a babysitting service over the weekend, watching W. on Saturday and H. on Sunday. The La was fascinated by the boys with platinum blonde hair. She kept patting W. on the head. I suppose she was checking to see if it was real hair.
Tomorrow is The Company’s 5th anniversary, celebrations are planned for the afternoon and evening. Of course, The Boy’s school planned Back to School Night for tomorrow as well. The Wife’s going to shuttle between both events. I’ll stay at the work party. I’m teaching a Freenet class on Saturday and next week will see visits to Austin by Turbonegro and Neal Stephenson.
Oh yeah, this story is absolutely fucking ridiculous and one of the reasons why I don’t relish dealing with other parents at school. There’s always someone who’s got to be offended by something, let the whole world know about it, and then impose their own worldview on everyone else. I’ve only been the parent of a school age child for a month and I’ve already had to deal with this. I kept my mouth shut at the time because the issue really wasn’t worth it, but you can bet if something like this happens at a school my child attends, I’ll be there to talk some sense into them. At least it sounds like the school board in this case is reasonable.