Oct 262002

The La’s officially two weeks old now. We didn’t get much sleep last night or the night before. She’s been very tempermental between 11pm and 2am for some reason. Looks like I’ll have to start going to bed when The Boy does if I want to be functional at work next week. I posted another new picture of the week for La. It’s from last weekend.

Fall is officially upon us. I don’t think we’re going to get out of the mid-60’s today. It’s still raining here. We’ve had at least some rain everyday since a few days after La’s birth. I’ve had enough rain now, thanks. There’s at least a 30% chance through the middle of next week as well.

I’m going to check out Jackass tonight at the Alamo Drafthouse with some of the guys. My father in-law is in town to see La, so the rest of the family will be at home watching DVDs. Not a bad deal for me.

 Posted by on October 26, 2002 at 9:26 pm

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