I always dig the reports that NPR Legal Affairs correspondent, Nina Totenberg, turns in for NPR’s Morning Edition. (Stepan recently pointed out that her last name means “dead mountain” in German. How cool is that?) I just love the explanations of rulings when the Supreme Court adjourns in the summer and the profiles when it returns on the first Monday in October. We’ve been hearing a lot from her with two Supreme Court nominations in the last six months. I particularly liked her piece this past Friday on Justice Breyer. It gave great insight into his viewpoints and how he arrives at a decision. It was really informative and added something to my understanding of how the Supreme Court operates. On the face of the story, I’d have to say he’s now my favorite justice. I’ll be paying particular attention to his opinions over the next Supreme Court session, especially now that we’ll have two new viewpoints to gauge.
Oct 042005