The La was sick all weekend with a sore throat and a fever that hovered around 102 for a while. She seems better now, but she’s been keeping us on our toes with the odd habit of holding all of her drool in her mouth, apparently avoiding swallowing because it’s too painful, and then randomly opening her mouth and dumping all of the drool out wherever she happens to be. Thankfully, most of the time this is on her own shirt, but we’ve taken to preemptively emptying her mouth with a washcloth to avoid any more collateral damage to the relatively new couch and our bed. We’ve been stepping in wet spots all weekend. She even slipped on one of her own drool slicks in the kitchen (no harm done, thankfully). Eeeew.
I’ve run into some interesting ‘Net trivia throughout the day today and thought I’d share:
- Insultingly stupid movie physics (Slashdotted at the moment)
- Bad Astronomy
- IMDB for music videos (which I also added to the links section)