Jan 112007
It’s National Delurking Week.
Following the lead from some of the other Metroblogging cities, we’re asking you to step out of the shadows and participate, not just read. Share whatever you like in the comment thread but maybe answer one of these questions:
- Do you live in Austin?
- If yes, what neighborhood?
- If no, where do you live?
- Are you from Austin originally?
- What is your relationship with Austin? (e.g. you have a child living here)
Me, I live here. I’m just across I-35 from St. Ed’s (kinda near Mabel Davis Park). I’ve been there for 8.5 years. I’m not from Austin originally, but I’ve lived here since 1989 (with a two year sabbatical in NYC).
Now you.
22 Responses to “National Delurking Week: Olly Olly Oxen Free”
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Yup. Live in Austin. Grew up in Rural Texas. Lived here for 28.5 years.
Residence History:
1978-1979: Jester Center
1979-1982: 21st Street Co-op
1982-1987: Travis Heights
1987-1992: Clarksville
1992-1996: Maplewood (Duplex Nation)
1996-1998: Hyde Park
1998-2000: Holly St.
2000- : Rosedale
I been all over. Ain’t that special?
I live in Barton Hills in Austin about a 6 minute walk to Barton Springs Pool.
I’ve been in Austin since ’95.
I live in Austin, sort of — Steiner Ranch. I think they call my area the ETJ, extraterritorial jurisdiction.
I grew up in East Texas, moved to Austin in August 1991 for college and never left, never wanted to. Residence history:
1991-1993: Taos Co-op (Hail Ruralist, fellow co-oper!)
1993-1998: South Austin, just a bit west of Oltorf and Pleasant Valley.
1998-2000: South Austin, Banister at Ben White.
2000-2001: South Austin, William Cannon just east of Brodie Lane.
2001-2003: West Campus
2003-2005: Capital/uptown (at least that’s what the real estate maps call it), 18th & Lavaca
2005-2006: Travis Heights
2006-?: Steiner Ranch
It all looks harmonious until you hit the wall at Steiner Ranch, doesn’t it?
I (we) recently moved back to Mandeville, LA after living in Austin for 14 years. I and my husband, former Flaming Idiot- Walter, own a house near the Onion Creek Greenbelt, south of William Cannon and east of Pleasant Valley.
We lived all over Austin for those 14 years and we miss it. Our kids were born there and it is an indelible place in our lives.
Wow. I didn’t even think to do a whole residence history. Let’s see…
1989-1990 West Campus – Madison House Dorm (got demolished for condos over the last year)
1990-1991 Hyde Park – 45th and Ave. F (House)
Summer 1991 West Campus – 29th and San Gabriel (House)
1991-1992 Far West – Far West Blvd. near Mopac (Apartment)
1992-1993 Brentwood – Koenig and Grover (House)
Summer 1993 West Campus (Rio Grande and 26th?)
1993-1994 Jamaica, NY
1994-1995 East Village – Manhattan, NY
1995-1996 Crestview/Brentwood – Justin Ln. and Lamar
1996-1998 Cameron Rd. behind Capital Plaza
1998-Present East Riverside / Oltorf
1996: Apartments up on Stonehollow/Metric
1997-2003: Condo (still own) in Clarksville, about 100 steps from Fresh Plus
2003-2006: House in North University
I’ve lived in Austin since 96.
1996 – Jester Center
1997 – Moore-Hill
1998 – Oltorf and Burton
1999-2001 – Oltorf and Wickersham
2001-present – William Cannon and Dittmar
* Do you live in Austin?
* If yes, what neighborhood?
Barton Hills
* If no, where do you live?
* Are you from Austin originally?
* What is your relationship with Austin? (e.g. you have a child living here)
It’s an off again on again type thing. Sometime love hate, always dysfunctional…
Thanks for you site I’ve found a lot of cool things.
I’ve lived here since 1996. I’m one of those who moved here for grad school…and never left.
I lived around Far West at first, then Hyde Park before settling in South Austin which is where I am still (Cherry Creek area).
Not surprisingly, it looks like quite a few of us have come to Austin for school and never left.
1. Nope
2. N/A
3. College Station
4. Nope, I’m from Minnesota
5. I have a crush on Austin – and my husband has some family there
I visited Austin once to see The Gourds live and loved it. Austin and The Gourds. I read to see what’s going on without me in such a cool place. I will visit again soon.
Do you live in Austin? – Yes
If yes, what neighborhood? – Lake Austin Blvd
If no, where do you live?
Are you from Austin originally? – no, NJ via Killeen (ick!)
What is your relationship with Austin?
Moved here fresh outta HS in 1980 to live my dream of playing drums in a rock’n’roll band. Still chasin that despite the terminal tinnitus…
OK, I’ll de-lurk! I’m from Austin, and have been digging this blog for awhile. I live on the northwest side of town. 🙂
Do you live in Austin: Yes
If yes, what neighborhood: 51st & Duval
Are you from Austin originally: No. Moved here from Minneapolis in August 2005 (but I’m originally from Wisconsin).
What is your relationship with Austin: We decided to move away from the cold and thought, Hey, Austin looks good.
* Do you live in Austin? – Yes, near Polvos(very near :-()
* Are you from Austin originally? Hemel Hempstead, UK
* What is your relationship with Austin? (e.g. you have a child living here) – None, just love the place. First came in 1999 took me a full 6-years to organise to move here!
Peer pressure was always problem for me…
I’ve lived in Austin since March 20, 1986 (yes, I do remember the exact date). I came down to see an old boyfriend from high school, loved the city and decided to stay. The old boyfriend is now my ex-husband and has moved back to Dallas.
A residence history would be impossible since I moved about just about every time a year’s lease was up until nine years ago when I remarried. My husband’s been here since 1964, and had lived in the same house since 1978.
Love Austin, hate Austin, I’m still here, and probably always will be.
I’ve lived in Austin since June of 03. Started in Kinsolving, then moved on to Hyde Park for a couple years, now I live in South Austin with plans to move back to the HP when my lease is up. I lived in Tyler, Texas for the 18 years previous, and I go to UT.
I’ve been here since ’92 on the whole school-work-family progression. I’m digging the residence histories. From the best of my memory:
’92-’93: Villa Del Rey (christened “Villa Del Hell” by the girlfriend)
’93: Bridgehead Condos (deer + residents with great tans)
’93-’95: La Mirage apartments (more deer, fewer tans)
’95-’97: Oak Hollow apartments (worst. management. ever.)
’97-’99: Lost Creek (rental)
’99-’02: Bee Caves / Walsh Tarleton (apt)
’02-present: Zilker (house)
Lived in Austin since November ’00: currently in Hyde Park, before that Brentwood/Allandale, before that Undergradistan (south of E. Riverside). I’m from Pennsylvania by way of California (16 years in SF/Oakland). Moved here to chase after a gal I met at Burning Man; she left town, I stayed. Sometimes I think about moving back to PA, but a nasty winter day like today usually puts paid to that.
I’d like to second those who thank you for running this site. If it wasn’t for y’all I wouldn’t have know the Census was hiring last spring. That was some pretty sweet part-time work.
Nope – I’ve never even been to Austin – but I’m a Portland Metblogger and my husband’s band is playing SXSW this year, so I pop in occasionally to see what you guys have going on…
I moved to the area for the first time in 1994.
Residence history:
1994-2003: Lived in various places in Round Rock, won’t bore you
2003-2004: Moved to California and Georgia for a combined 11 months
2004-2005: Came back, lived in Round Rock again in two different places
2006: Moved to the Parmer/Lamplight Village area
2006: Moved to Pflugerville
2006: Moved to Oltorf and Wickersham
2007: About to move to riverside and Wickersham