Feb 142005

The Wife was out of town from Thursday to Sunday, so I got to play Mr. Mom for a few days. The Band had a gig Friday night and I also decided to take the opportunity to try and see a movie with a friend Saturday night.

The gig went fairly well, although the venue wasn’t very friendly to our type of music. We were also short a man as one of our guitar players was out of town on business. Andy took some pictures, so perhaps something good will come out of it.

I reserved tickets via the Web for Ong-Bak on Saturday morning. Since it’s such a production to get babysitting, etc., I’ve learned not to leave a weekend-night movie at Alamo to chance. We’ve been burned a few times. The problem was that The Friend’s cell phone wasn’t working all day. I’d leave messages and he’d never get them. I got a call from him at 2:30pm saying that he’d tried to get tickets, but they were sold out, not knowing that I had already bought tickets earlier. I tried unsuccessfully to get in contact with him for the rest of the day. I guess this is one of the drawbacks to only having a cell phone. I ended up seeing the movie by myself. It was pretty good. It had plot elements of Return of the Dragon and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. There are some Jackie Chan-style stunts minus the Charlie Chaplin/Buster Keaton elements that he favors.

I checked out a new bar, Sidebar, which is between Red River and I-35 on Seventh Street. It’s owned by some mutual friends. The interior is fairly non-descript. There’s a nice patio in the back which edges up to the side of the Red-Eyed Fly. The sound bleed is enough that you can clearly hear whoever is playing there, but you can still talk. I recommend it as an alternative to the Red River, Emo’s-Lovejoy’s-Casino triangle.

 Posted by on February 14, 2005 at 5:56 pm

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