We were out early this morning with a trip to Krispy Kreme. We also needed groceries and, once we found out they open at 9am on Sunday, we first sidetracked to Academy for some cones (practice soccer goals for The Boy), a new bicycle/ball pump and a fourth folding chair since LaLa and The Boy are fighting over the small one at his games. The morning went smoothly until we hit the checkout line at the HEB in Hancock Center. Among the soy milk, baby food, chocolate chip cookies, and orange juice, I had also decided to grab a 6-pack of lovely St. Arnold’s Amber for dinner tonight. It was 11:30am when we hit the line (you native Texans know where I’m going with this).
As the checkout girl started to scan our stuff, she zeroed in on the 6-pack and asked me, “That’s alcohol, right?” “Yes,” I replied. She then proceeded to remind me that it was Sunday and before noon. I had forgotten about the dreaded Blue Law, no alcohol sales between 1am and noon on Sunday. It’s so rare that we’re shopping that early, I had completely forgotten. Now that I’ve been reminded, why haven’t we repealed this dumb fucking law yet? The so-called Blue Laws have been slowly falling by the wayside over the years and it’s time to dump this one as well. Who’s with me?