May 092003

I’ve dumped my links page in favor of the phpNuke links module. I’m in the process of vaildating and moving them over now. Since everything is being added at once, it’s all being marked as “New”. I’ll probably go in and tweak that once I’ve got them all moved over. I probably won’t finish until tomorrow. I don’t expect that I’ll inconvenience very many people. I like some of the extra features that phpNuke adds, but I’m not too keen on their formatting. I’ll be tweaking it later this week as well.

On the home front, we had to get the A/C repaired yesterday and it sounds like the dental insurance company is trying to stick us with a massive bill from some work that The Wife had done last month. I’m still trying to sort out if it’s their fault or my company’s fault. Joy.

 Posted by on May 9, 2003 at 2:49 am

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