Apr 152008

46995365_6a10e06e90_mI tried to perpetuate the rumor that Prince might play ACL this year. As I’m sure everyone is aware by now, the lineup was released today and we got Foo Fighters instead.

I must say that it appears that the ACL organizers are listening to feedback. The festival is the latest in the year it’s been and this is the best mix of bands in the last few years. I’m still just going to buy a 1 Day pass and try to catch some of the side shows this year though. Foo Fighters are a good choice for headliner. They crossed over to arena rock level with the last tour. I’m not that interested in fighting the ACL headliner crowds to see them.

I’m sure you’re dying to hear my opinion so here’s the names that I’ll pull out of the lineup:

Mates of State – Husband and wife duo that I saw at Fun Fun Fun Fest.

M. Ward – I’d check him out though I wish he were with Zooey Deschanel doing She and Him instead.

MGMT – A little too electronic for me, but lots of people dig them.

Man Man – Caught them at SXSW this year. I’d see them again. Crazy stuff. I still need to post a review.

Vampire Weekend – They were the darlings of this year’s SXSW. Now you have a chance to see them.

Against Me! – No doubt to quell the complaints of the lack of harder stuff and the advanced age of most of the ACL artists in past festivals

Silversun Pickups – I’ve heard they’re better live than in recordings.

Gogol Bordello – They also made a splash at SXSW several years ago. You should’ve caught them at Emo’s, but they’ll still be fun at ACL.

Erykah Badu – She’s amazing. Again, glad to see they’re branching out a bit from the typical ACL fare.

N.E.R.D – See above.

Raconteurs – Rocked it at ACL two years ago and we don’t have to worry about Meg White ruining the whole thing and canceling it.

Mars Volta – I loved At The Drive-In and the first two Mars Volta records. They lost me with Amputechture and I haven’t even checked out the new one. Stiil would be worth checking out if you missed them last week.

Beck – Still kicking myself for missing his SXSW performance in, what was it? 1993? 1994? Should be good.

Who’re you going to see?

 Posted by on April 15, 2008 at 10:28 am

  One Response to “More fun than Taxes – ACL 2008 Lineup Announced”

  1. "best mix of bands in the past few years"? really?
    this is easily the worst lineup they have ever put out.
    at least the bigger bands. when foo fighters are headlining acl, you know something is wrong. im a pretty big foo fighters fan, but really? if it wasnt for mars volta id really doubt id be going.
    dont get my wrong plenty of great acts im looking forward to like tegan & sara, iron & wine, band of horses, gnarls barkley, and jenny lewis.
    just compared to the past years this lineup is really weak. i would be surprised if they sold out.

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