Jan 102004
Sofia has posted her photos from the 12.30.2003 Baby Chaos at Ramsey (ours are where the most recent Pictures Of the Week came from).
We’re in the process of rearranging our office/guest room. We managed to get the ornaments off the tree, but have yet to put the tree away and I bought the supplies that I need to fix the downstairs toilet, but have yet to get around to that either. Hopefully, all will be accomplished over the weekend.
In geekland:
- Rearranging of the office means that I’ll finally get around to converting one of our older machines to a Linux box. I think I’m going with Debian since Red Hat is no longer supporting their desktop version, although Chip’s recent experience installing it doesn’t sound like much fun. On the other hand, I may or may not have to deal with SCSI drives and I definitely don’t need SMP support, so maybe my install experience will be a little smoother.
- I’m continuing to tinker around with my Nokia 3650. I recently installed PuTTY and Opera, and FExplore thanks to links from Russell and Rael.
- As if all of this wasn’t geeky enough, my dork friends bought me a PS2 Network Adapter and a copy of SOCOM II for my birthday to join them in their obsession (I think I heard one quietly chanting “One of us, one of us!”). Of course, I also had to purchase this to accompany them. With the office rearrange, the old 20″ TV came out of retirement and is now setup for maximum post-kid-bedtime gaming. I registered last night and will be meeting up with Bob Dolemite tonight while The Wife toils away.
- Lastly, I finally got the DVD burner up and running. I copied my first two CDs over the weekend and amazingly didn’t end up with any coasters. It’ll definitely come in handy for backing up all of the family photos, reciprocating generous burns from friends, and once and for all solving feuds between The Wife and I over particular mutually favorite CDs.