Mar 042008

Mission AccomplishedI hit my local precinct at about 7:20am. It’s in the community area of an apartment complex, which is kind of strange, if you ask me. We moved there from the elementary school last year. Apparently, the school is above being a polling place or allowing neighborhood groups to meet there without paying a fee. I always thought that public schools were ideal meeting places for the public, seeing as, you know, they’re public and funded by the public, but I digress…

There were 5 people ahead of me in the Democratic primary line until two people figured out that they were in the wrong line and moved over to the Republican table. My polling place is staffed entirely with retirees. They got me out of there in about 15 minutes. There were a few Obama volunteers outside reminding people to return for the caucus at 7:15pm. If there’s more than 15 people tonight, that room is going to get crowded. My precinct was quiet compared to my son’s school when I dropped him off. There were at least 8 people outside holding signs for various local candidates in addition to the two who have been making all the news.

 Posted by on March 4, 2008 at 8:57 am

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