Jul 192006

I tried to post this yesterday when I saw it, but Dreamhost has been having some serious issues over the last couple of days. Let’s hope they’ve got it sorted out.

This story reminded me of a trip to NYC for my uncle’s wedding when I was 9. We were staying in a hotel somewhere in midtown Manhattan. Probably bored, at one point I decided to survey the contents of all of the drawers in the room. One of the drawers in a nightstand by the bed yielded two small individually wrapped items of dubious origin. I had a pretty good idea of what they were and opened one up out of curiosity. Not knowing anything about lubrication, I did not expect the contents to be wet and slimy. I was completely grossed out. I immediately threw it into the trash and washed my hands, deciding not to mention my discovery to anyone else. It never occurred to me to put it in my mouth. The article doesn’t say, but I guess the girl thought it was a balloon? Ew.

[tags]condom, kids, hotel[/tags]

 Posted by on July 19, 2006 at 3:52 pm

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