This is pretty short notice, but some of us Metbloggers will be at the Gingerman this Wednesday 6-8pm for a little meetup in meatspace, if you will. Please do come and join us. I know there are at least a few of you out there as the delurking thread has dragged some of you out into the light of day.
I’m assuming that this weather crisis will have passed by then, so we’re proceeding as planned. Incidentally, if we can have some more mass weather hysteria that allows me to drive home unobstructed during the evening rush hour, I’m completely in favor of it. Everyone stay home. It’s *really* dangerous out there. The really amusing part will be when everyone ignores the warnings tomorrow and it really is dangerous.
I’ll be the tall dude with bad facial hair wearing a Communist Party shirt, so I should be easy to spot.
5 Responses to “Meetup – Gingerman – Wednesday 6-8pm”
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Sounds like a good time.
Note also that the third Wednesday of every month is the venerable Austinbloggers meetup. This time it’s at Azul Tequila on South Lamar. No word yet on whether they’ll wimp out on the weather. You can see the schedule for the year at:
Doh. I was afraid we were going to conflict. Oh well. So many local blogger social engagements…so little time.
Ill be the cute redhead. Yay metblog meetup!
The Austinbloggers have wimped out after all and rescheduled for Azul Tequila next Wednesday, 1/24. So now you can do both! Hooray for snow days! 🙂
Some of us can anyway. I’ve got tickets to Jeff Tweedy at Hogg Auditorium next Wednesday.