I’d probably only heard of Ann Coulter in passing until I read Al Franken’s Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. I still don’t really care what she has to say. She’s one of those people that says completely outrageous things to get attention and, of course, make money. I’m not linking any of her crap because I don’t want to give her traffic. You can google her yourself if, by chance, you haven’t heard of her by now. Anyway, I bring her up for two reasons:
- She’s apparently going to be on Tonight Show with Jay Leno
tonightWednesday to plug her most recent book. George Carlin is also going to be on plugging Cars. He’s the voice of Filmore. There’s no guarantee that they’ll face off, but it’s worth watching in case they do. As Kevin Seconds notes, Carlin should be able to put her in her place. Speaking of Carlin, Pharyngula linked a skit of his from MadTV yesterday that I’d never seen. - Somebody else linked a YouTube posting of the “Letters from Henry” segment from the third episode of The Henry Rollins Show on IFC. There’s no reason to resort to YouTube though. IFC allows access to segments from all of the shows on the site in addition to web-only extras. If you’re not watching this show, you should be. It’s been pretty solid so far. I’ve yet to miss an episode.
Mary Cheney is still trying vain to plug her new book, but it appears that no one gives a shit. I’m not surprised. There’s a wide swath of members of her own party who’ll avoid the book because she’s a lesbian. The lesbian and gay community will avoid the book because she’s seen as a traitor. And, honestly, in the end, who really cares what the vice president’s daughter has to say? Shuffle her off to current and former presidental offspring camp with Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, and Ron Reagan Jr. Can anybody even name the offspring of previous vice presidents? I can picture Gore’s kids and remember that one of them was hit by a car, but can’t come up with names.
Anyway, speaking of possible sparks, Cheney will be on Fresh Air with Terry Gross today. I doubt we’ll get anything on the scale of the Gene Simmons or Bill O’Reilly interview, but ya never know.
[tags]henryrollins, anncoulter, marycheney, georgecarlin, tonightshow, freshair, ifc, npr, kevinseconds[/tags]