No, not college basketball, my T.V. viewing schedule. There’s all kinds of things I should be doing other than watching T.V., but how can I not where there’s so much good stuff on?
It all starts March 3rd with Kingdom Hospital. The first time I saw the preview, I thought it looked an awful lot like Lars Von Trier’s Riget. A trip to the official site confirms that it’s basically a remake. I wonder if King saw it before or after his own stay in the hospital? I saw it in ’94 or ’95 at Dobie. They ran it as two three hour films on consecutive nights. The original was intriguing. King’s stories are hit or miss in feature films and he hasn’t had much luck with T.V. other than Salem’s Lot. Even though I generally liked the books, I was less than impressed with It and The Stand. The Langoliers was absolutely horrible. Still, I’ll give it a chance.
The next night is Tripping the Rift (gratuitous Flash warning) on Scifi channel. This idea has been bouncing around the Internet for several years and it’s finally got a home. If the show is anywhere near as funny as the short (which I still have somewhere on my hard drive), it’ll be a must-see.
Lastly, the new season of The Sopranos starts on March 7th. I still haven’t decided if I’m going to shell out the dough to reinstate HBO or wait for the DVDs and hope I don’t hear/read any spoilers. Three debuts in one week. Yikes.
All this in addition to my current staples of The Osbournes, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Real World/Road Rules Inferno, Airline, Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, King of the Hill, and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Yes, I’m brave enough to admit that I watch these shows. What’s your guilty pleasure?