Sep 122003

Johnny Cash and John Ritter both died today.

Cash had been sick with multiple conditions, but apparently it was the diabetes that did him in. He was experiencing a resurgence over the last 10 years thanks to Rick Rubin. If you haven’t checked out his latest album, I highly recommend it. What he lacks in vocal power, he more than makes up with in experience. His voice lends a world-weary-seen-it-all character to the songs that he covers along with the originals. The video for "Hurt", a Nine Inch Nails cover, was up for an MTV video award this year and should have won. You can see the video over on Amazon.

John Ritter will forever be associated with the role of Jack Tripper on Three’s Company, although he reinvented himself, in my opinion, with his role in Slingblade. I wasted many hours watching Three’s Company both primetime and in re-runs. It pretty much defines 70’s TV, crap. What did I know? I was ten. He was only 54.

 Posted by on September 12, 2003 at 8:13 pm

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