Oct 132008

Maker Faire comes to town this Saturday. Last year was a blast, check out my photos. There’s all kinds of things going on leading up to it this weekend. I’m assuming that Laughing Squid among others will have a drinkup at the GMan.

The first event, which I’m unfortunately going to miss, is escorting the Bike Snake from the IHOP at Koenig and I-35 to the Travis County Expo Center where Maker Faire will once again be held. Bring your bike and your endurance and meet tomorrow night at 11pm and let me know how it goes. I’m really pissed off that I’ll be out of town and missing it. You’ve still got time to get tickets to the faire. It’s an event for all ages and you’ll be kicking yourself if you miss it. All the cool kids are doing it.


 Posted by on October 13, 2008 at 11:21 pm

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