There are tons of sites out there that allow you to make different sorts of lists. Amazon lets you make lists that are stored on their servers and they also make an API available to search their product database. Other sites take advantage of this and allow you to keep lists of DVDs, books, whatever. I’ve been displaying the DVD, book, CD that I’m currently listening to or lusting after in the blocks on the right side of the homepage, but I want it to do more. I just changed the reading block to show a list of what I’m currently reading via AllConsuming, which I found via Whitney’s site. It’d be nice if they offered the same service for DVDs and CDs. I keep a list of the DVDs that we currently own at DVD Aficionado. All of these sites have certain limitations, prompting me to want to develop my own system. The problem is that I don’t have the time. There’s also the limitation of having to write towards a particular content management or blog framework. I’m still annoyed that PHPNuke hasn’t implemented Trackback, a feature that’s commonplace in Moveable Type, among others. Can’t we all just get along? Crap, I wanted to rant on this some more, but I’ve got to get going…
Aug 222003