Jul 272005

This started out as a post of one link, but I found a few other things in the entertainment world that needed some attention.

  • Samuel L. Jackson, Christina Ricci and Justin Timberlake in a movie called Black Snake Moan where Jackson plays an old blues guy who cures Ricci’s character of nymphomania? Sounds like trip out of remake hell to me.
  • For the Stephen King fans out there, I just discovered that he writes a fairly regular column for Entertainment Weekly. I think the magazine is pretty much crap, but then a lot of people think King is crap too. Screw ’em. (P.S. It looks like you have to be an AOL or EW subscriber to read any of the columns prior to this year. Doh.)
  • This op-ed on Hillary’s crusade against Rockstar and GTA:SA is getting a lot of link love today. I was so pissed at her about it that I had to add to the love. Leave that crap to Leiberman, Hillary.
 Posted by on July 27, 2005 at 4:20 pm

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