I’ve run into a holdup with the Desert Island Discs feature. My ISP is quite a bit behind in PHP versions and a function that I really need to complete it isn’t available in the version that they’re running. After trading emails with them, I found out that they’re “in the process of upgrading”. Not sure how long that will take, so things are on hold for a while longer. I’ve been considering a switch to Java servlets/JSP for the site, which would require shelling out more cash each month. They’re laughably behind on their servlet engine. They’re still using Apache JServ (mod_jserv) and not Tomcat. They’re supposedly going to remedy this in the next few weeks as well. We’ll see. I did manage to get some prep work done for the Tatara database last night (along with catching up on balancing my checkbook as I was almost three months behind).
On a music note, the next two weeks will see two new albums from Tom Waits and one from Weezer. Better dust off the credit card.
The Boy’s got a birthday party to go to on Saturday. A co-worker’s son is turning three.