Aug 152003

The Rules

  1. leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
  2. i will respond; i’ll ask you five questions.
  3. you’ll update your website with my five questions, and your five answers.
  4. you’ll include this explanation.
  5. you’ll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

My five questions come from Mr. Juicebox [Jeremy]

1) Which Simpsons character is your favorite, and why? [this assumes you watch the Simpsons. If not, pick a cartoon you do/did enjoy watching]
That’s a tough one. I think Cletus is my current favorite, mainly because he’s gotten some of the best lines over the past season. Uter is also a perennial favorite.

2) Describe how you came to live in Austin.
I came down here from Dallas to go to UT in 1989 and have been here ever since (except for a two year stint in Manhattan/Queens for grad school). I have no plans on leaving anytime soon.

3) I see you’ve got a link to Wil Wheaton dot Net on your site. How did you come across his site?
He did an interview on Slashdot last summer and I first checked out the site then. I’ve always been a big fan of Stand By Me. He and I are pretty close in age and have similar interests, so I kept reading.

4) If you could go back in time and ‘tweak’ history, when/what might that be?
I’ll be selfish and do it for personal gain. I’d go back to 1990, take the money that I had available and invest it in several of the emerging tech stocks: Dell, Cisco, Microsoft among others. I’d then take the earnings from those and ride the wave of crazy IPOs in 1998-2000. Finally, I’d sell everything in February of 2000 before the first big drop and retire.

5) Talk about a favorite actor/actress/director from the Silver Age of movies [mid ’50s to early ’70s].
I googled for the silver age to get an idea of who I should focus on, but couldn’t find much oddly enough. I’ll have to go with Alfred Hitchcock. He spans a longer period than that, but he’ll do. I can’t say more than has already been said. He’s a genius. I’m partial to Saboteur, Notorious, Rope, Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, Trouble With Harry, Vertigo and North By Northwest among others.

 Posted by on August 15, 2003 at 7:38 pm

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