Jan 262004

Okay, so I’m just parroting stuff from BoingBoing, but these are just too damn funny.

  • What would the comedy world do without GW? If I wasn’t laughing so much, I might cry.
  • IKEA is opening a Dallas location in 2005 (Frisco, actually). Mary’s made a few pilgrimages to the Houston location and pressed me into service when I had a business trip there last year. Having been there once and being a gamer, this had me on the floor.

Both grandmas were in town this weekend. Be on the lookout later tonight for new pictures of the week.

Also, to be a complete jerk and annoy all of you northeasterners buried in snow and freezing your asses off, it was in the 70’s and sunny today here. The current weatherpixie reading is 73. I wore shorts all day today and we took the kids to two different parks in addition to eating lunch outside at Curra’s.

EDIT: New pictures are up. Note that The Boy is wearing shorts and a t-shirt and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. Man, do I love Austin.

 Posted by on January 26, 2004 at 3:14 am

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