Jan 202005

Kuff passes on a meme that I can’t pass up. List the movies on IMDB’s Bottom 100 that you’ve seen.

Here goes:

I was actually surprised at how few I had seen and that I had seen most of them in the theater. I’ve seen bits a pieces of some others on the list, but I didn’t count them because I didn’t see them in their full glory.

The list seems skewed to more recent films. I know there are a ton of candidates for the bottom that aren’t on there. Here’s a few that immediately come to mind for me: Lorenzo’s Oil, Backdraft, Freejack, Phone Booth, Howard the Duck, A.I., and Batman & Robin. I saw all but Batman & Robin in their entirety. Over the past 10 years or so, I’ve been filtering my movie watching so much that now, if it’s remotely bad, I just don’t see it.

 Posted by on January 20, 2005 at 4:54 pm

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