Jun 282005

I already knew that Brendan Canty is playing drums with Bob Mould right now, so it shouldn’t surprise me that that Ian MacKaye is off doing something else as well. Where have I been for the last 6-12 months? This interview pretty much covers it. What’s with the two person bands these days anyway? You can check out three of the songs here, courtesy of NPR. I have to agree with most of the assessments I’ve read. It sounds like the stuff from Instrument with a girl singing. That’s not a bad thing. I’ve generally liked Ian’s voice whether he’s doing something a little quieter or barking it out like a drill sargeant. I’m hoping I haven’t missed any local appearances. I guess we won’t see anything new from Fugazi for a while.

 Posted by on June 28, 2005 at 6:24 pm

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