Nov 012004

We attended Stepan and Jennifer’s annual Pumpkin Carving Party last night. He got a couple of good shots of our pumpkins. The Boy designed the first one in the fourth row and I cut the last one in the third row from a stencil. There’s also a nice candid shot of LaLa and I. I’ll have a few shots from tonight’s trick or treating up later tonight or tomorrow.

I also made it to David Rees at the Alamo yesterday afternoon. He was here for the Texas Book Festival. I would’ve liked to have caught Seymour Hersh today, but we had too much to do here around the house, fun stuff like cleaning out the refrigerator and mowing the front lawn. Rees was pretty damn funny. I picked up a copy of My New Filing Technique Is Unstoppable and Get Your War On and had him sign them.

 Posted by on November 1, 2004 at 1:47 am

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