New pictures of the week from yesterday for both kids. Also, Sophia took a bunch of pictures at her house. Last minute changes had Lily as a princess and the three boys as frogs. I’m not sure how much kissing and prince conversion there was. They all still appear to be frogs.
From the point of view of the "trick-or-treatee", this year seemed to be full of clueless rude people. As I placed a bag of peanut M&M’s into one kids bag, he declared that he "doesn’t like the ones with peanuts" to which there could’ve been any number of responses, but I chose to scowl at him and give him a bag of regular M&M’s. We had what we thought were the last trick-or-treaters around 8:30, but we neglected to turn off our porch light. At 11:30, our doorbell rang. Of course, we looked at each other wondering who the hell would ring a doorbell that late. Apparently, a woman with 4 or 5 kids would. I wanted to tell her off, but Mary gave them candy and said nothing. We immediately turned out our porch lights and disposed of our molding pumpkin.