Mar 242003

I posted new pictures for the kids last night. They’re from my parents’ visit last weekend. Both were taken with my mother’s digital camera.

My back is recovering from a marathon weed pulling session yesterday. I’m learning the hard way how much work it can take to maintain a decent lawn. I’ve pretty much neglected the back yard for the past four years and now I’m paying for it. A large section of grass died during the summer a few years ago and it’s gradually been taken over by weeds. I let it get too out of hand and the entire lawn was taken over by wild onion and bedstraw (or catchweed or vetch or whatever the hell other 30 names it’s known by). I filled 14 Home Depot lawn and leaf bags yesterday and I’m still not done. I’ll be making another trip to the Hall of Home Improvement
TM this week to get more bags and some Weed and Feed or Turf Builder or something. Anyone know if it’s too late to plant grass seed in Texas? I think I have St. Augustine.

We watched the Oscars last night. Unfortunately, I missed Michael Moore’s speech. The guy’s a bit of a crackpot, but I’m glad he’s out there making a fuss, even if he overexaggerates. I still haven’t seen Bowling for Columbine. Congrats to Adrien Brody, who became the youngest Best Actor recipient (and who is 18 months younger than me. How depressing.). I just noticed in looking up his age on IMDB that they don’t include him in the cast of The Boy Who Cried Bitch. I’m fairly certain he played one of the institutionalized kids along with Harley Cross and Moira Kelly in that little-known film. If you haven’t ever seen King of the Hill (no relation to the show). I recommend checking it out. It’s one of his first films, has good performances all around, and is directed by Steven Soderbergh.

We took the kids to see Piglet’s Big Adventure on Saturday. The Boy inhaled an entire bag of popcorn as usual and enjoyed the movie, especially the song that they sang during the North Pole “Expotition”. The Wife missed more than half of the movie dealing with The La for whom movie theaters apparently have a laxative effect.

 Posted by on March 24, 2003 at 6:58 pm

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