Feb 032004

C’mon people. It’s just a partially exposed breast. Do we really need to devote an entire Nightline episode to this? European people have been seeing at least that much skin on T.V. for years. You didn’t have any problem with the farting horse from Budweiser or this classic sentence courtesy of the Cialis commercial:

Although a rare occurrence, men who experience an erection for more than 4 hours (priapism) should seek immediate medical attention.

For those clamoring about their kids being corrupted, mine were in bed or getting ready for bed. What were yours doing up?

As for the apologies, give me a break. It was obviously intentional. Janet has an album coming out (first single was released this week because it was “leaked” on the Internet) after a several year hiatus. Would she wear some elaborate sun ring on her nipple if she didn’t expect that it was going to be exposed? What I want to know is whether she was wearing something on the other nipple. Whatever fine the FCC comes up with will be worth the publicity. Congratulations for falling for it.

As far as I’m concerned, Ms. Jackson can expose her breast on network T.V. anytime she wants. I think it promotes a much better image of women than the other Budweiser commercial featuring the referee who gets plenty of practice dealing with screaming tirades from his henpecking wife.

 Posted by on February 3, 2004 at 6:45 pm

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