Aug 202003

The Boy started Pre-K at UT Elementary School today. He started the morning bright-eyed in his uniform of a white polo and khaki shorts. He was yodeling or something as we were getting ready. I first said “Boy, please.” which he apparently didn’t understand as a request to stop. When I explained to him that I wanted him to stop the singing/yodeling because it was irritating, he commenced to singing the word “irritating”. Somewhere around this time, The Wife started paying attention to what we were talking about and laughed at me.

It sounds like he had a good time, but he was tight-lipped when I talked to him on the phone. He was very excited this morning and moved right into the crowd of kids as we left. His teacher, Mrs. Karasch, has her hands full with 19 kids in the class. She shooed all of the parents out the door pretty quickly this morning. We took a few pictures which I’ll upload tonight if they’re any good. Be on the lookout for stories about the school in local media. KVUE had a story Sunday night and KEYE filmed Henry and I on the way into the school this morning. The Wife says that News8 was there this afternoon (In fact, there’s already a story from this morning. You can watch the video version of the interview from the same page.) and that she spoke briefly with a reporter from the Statesman.

On a totally unrelated note, I managed to lose my sunglasses yesterday. Since I’ve had them for 5 or 6 years and they were $4.99 at Walgreen’s, I’m not going to search for them. The Wife, who hated the old ones, will be happy to find out that I purchased a new, considerably more expensive pair at lunch. Given the cost, I’m sure to lose them before the end of next week.

 Posted by on August 20, 2003 at 1:30 am

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