Apr 132006

Burnt Orange Report reports that Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war activist mom, will be on the east mall near the MLK statue at UT on the 17th at 11:30am as part of a CAMEO (Campus Antiwar Movement to End the Occupation) rally.

David Van Os will hold a 24-hour filibuster for education (he held one last month to commemorate Texas independence) that’ll start at noon at the Capitol on the same day.

Senator Russ Feingold will visit the next day (Tuesday, April 18th) to support Texas Congressional Candidate John Courage. There’s a free event at 12:30pm at the UT Student Union Quadrangle and then a $25 admission event at Jovita’s that night at 7pm called BlueGrassRoots! featuring:

South Austin Jug Band
Grassy Knoll Boys
Texas Youth Word Collective
Jim Hightower

See our ACL post if you’re wondering why you got a server busy message trying to buy tickets.

All the major news outlets seem to have picked up that Bill Clinton is giving the commencement speech at the LBJ School this year. I saw it mentioned on a blog a week or two ago. It’ll be May 20th, but it doesn’t appear to be open to the public.

 Posted by on April 13, 2006 at 5:27 pm

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