May 202005

I’ve been using AllConsuming for my currently reading or “Legere” block over there on the right for quite a while. Unfortunately, it was hacked a little over a month ago, so the creator, Erik Benson, decided to revamp the site and rewrite it using Ruby on Rails, which boasts quick development time. I think he even challenged himself to do it in 24 hours as some sort of contest promoting the platform.

Anyway, he did get something up and running…only it doesn’t completely work. He’s reformatted how items that you’re consuming are displayed and I can’t seem to edit old items without running into errors. I don’t want to nag the guy over a service that he’s providing for free, but until he gets a chance to work out some of the issues, I’m going back to pulling my own images and linking to Amazon directly. The convenient thing about allconsuming is that I didn’t have to host the product images myself.

 Posted by on May 20, 2005 at 7:31 pm

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