Jul 062004

Our cable modem is constantly dropping out now. One minute you’ll have a connection and the next minute it’s gone, necessitating a reboot of the router which can’t seem to keep up. I put in another call to Time Warner tech support on Sunday. They’re sending out yet another tech tomorrow afternoon. This one is supposed to do a more in-depth investigation than the one that came out a little over a week ago. I’m hoping that they can resolve it as it’s interfering with work and play. SBC has been trying to woo me with cheaper DSL. If Time Warner doesn’t make me happy, I may be making the switch.

I ended up spending half of the day at Little City using their free wireless connection to VPN into work and get some things done. It’s much closer to home than trekking all the way up to my office. I felt a little out of place with my sad old Dell Latitude among all of those Powerbooks. I suppose someone writing .NET code on a Dell would fit in better at Starbucks, but they don’t have the free Internet. It being the first occasion for me to spend so much time using free wifi in a public place, I was reminded of Chip’s comments on free wifi etiquette. It helps that our babysitter was working the counter, so I don’t feel so bad about spending a lot of time there. Little City, at least, seems to encourage the practice of camping out. They’ve added a fairly long power strip on one wall to allow people to plug-in. It wasn’t very crowded yesterday afternoon either.

We spent the 4th at Andy’s and watched the fireworks from his front yard. We took a fair number of pictures. I’ll update the pic of the week tonight and send out shots to those attendees who requested them.

 Posted by on July 6, 2004 at 11:11 pm

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