Feb 182003

Not much to report lately other than our country marching steadily to an unnecessary and ill-advised war. It was nice to see that my representative in US Congress took part in a local anti-war demonstration. I’m not holding my breath that we’ll hear anything from either of our senators (neither of whom I voted for). People in West Virginia should be proud of one of theirs. Sorry for the political rant.

I need to get on the ball and put up some new pictures, but we haven’t really taken any. I’ve fixed some of The Boy’s photos in the archive so that the window sizes correctly with some of the odd shaped pictures. Going through those and the stats, it looks like The La is a little shorter and lighter than The Boy was at this same age. We’re starting her on rice cereal and carrots this week at the recommendation of her doctor. If anything, the occasion should yield some worthy photos.

 Posted by on February 18, 2003 at 1:11 am

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