Dec 272003

We’re heading home today from my parents in Dallas. We celebrated my sister’s birthday yesterday with lunch at Big Bowl. I’d been wanting to get back there since eating at the Chicago location back in March. Everyone dug it and they actually have a pretty decent kids menu. Hopefully, they’ll open an Austin location at some point.

The Boy made out like a bandit. The consensus cool gift is Bullz-Eye-Ball. We’ve all been playing it in an attempt to outdo each other’s score. I’ve got the highest in all of the games, of course. The Boy does suprisingly well at it. He also got a Transformers Unicron, a Playskool Millenium Falcon, a Go-Bots Hauler Bot, a Yoda Lightsaber, a Don’t Break the Ice game and a Lego NBA 1-on-1 set among other things. Lala scored a Little People Farm, a Parents cell phone, a color See and Say, and a Leapfrog Phonics Radio and some clothes. The Wife got a new bathrobe, a subscription to Dwell magazine, Kill Bill soundtrack CD, and the new Alicia Keys CD. I got 100 Suns, What Remains, El Mariachi (Special Edition), and SpongeBob SquarePants – The Complete 1st Season. We’ll be lucky to get all of this stuff packed into the rental car and back home. I’ll post some pictures later tonight or tomorrow, depending on how the trip home goes.

 Posted by on December 27, 2003 at 8:30 pm

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