Jul 072005

My thoughts and condolences go to those involved in this morning’s London attacks. I’m fairly certain that none of my extended family lives or works in London, but I do have a cousin whose husband does a fair amount of travelling, so I sent an e-mail just to see how things are going. Checking out the London Bomb Blast Flickr Pool, it seems odd to me that so many people are re-posting shots from news agencies, posting screenshots of website or posting shots from the television. First, aren’t there copyright issues? Second, what’s the point? Sure, if you’re near one of the incidents, happen to have a camera, and want to post something that isn’t callous or exploitive, then, by all means, go ahead. I just don’t see the point of copying things from somewhere else and posting them.

Of course, Bush didn’t waste any time coming up with yet another assinine quote. The most representative snippet:

And the contrast couldn’t be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill — those who have got such evil in their heart that they will take the lives of innocent folks.

It includes his stock themes, a mention of “evil”, a mention of “folks” and touting the good work that he and the G8 cronies are doing in contrast to the morning’s events.

 Posted by on July 7, 2005 at 8:16 pm

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