Dec 222004

I officially and somewhat belatedly accept defeat in my attempt to participate in Holidailies this year. I’ve fallen too far behind to try to catch up at this point. Perhaps next year.

My project list continues to grow. I’ve got two websites and a pet film-related project slated for this site bearing down on me in addition to the annual holiday card that may become an e-card this year due to my dead hard drive and lost contact list. Many of you are about to get a mass e-mail requesting address/phone/e-mail updates so I can get back up-to-date. My geek ego is still reeling from the fact that I didn’t back the damn thing up. I technically have most things duplicated on my work pc and on my phone, but there were quite a few addresses that were only used at Christmas time residing only on the dead hard drive.

We managed to hit Trail of Lights on Monday night. Our tradition of going to Green Mesquite beforehand was thwarted. They were closed for their own holiday party. Our alternate choice was the newly-opened Austin Java in Pizza Nizza’s old digs. If the crowd that I saw Monday night and Sunday afternoon is any indication, they’ve made a wise decision in moving to that location. The old location in Barton Creek mall never seemed to get much traffic for some reason.

 Posted by on December 22, 2004 at 5:49 pm

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