Mar 042008

The cutoff time was supposed to be 7:15. I got there at 7:00. There were 100-200 people standing outside waiting for the last voters to finish. It wasn’t very organized. We stood waiting until 8:15 and they were just beginning to allow people in to sign their names for their candidate. My third grader has a TAKS test in the morning, so we bailed at 8:30 without having voted in the caucus. It would’ve been nice if the Obama precinct workers who I saw at 7:20am and were still there at 8:00pm would’ve come up with a plan to organize the lines of Clinton and Obama supporters. They must’ve had the time. The Obama supporters appeared to outnumber the Clinton supporters 3:1.

 Posted by on March 4, 2008 at 9:43 pm

  2 Responses to “Caucus Chaos”

  1. Hey, you got Julie, Stella, and I in the picture. We headed out around 7:40, as we had to feed Stella before she turned into a pumpkin.

    It was still really exciting to be out with so many neighbors. We really should figure out a way to rejigger the primary process so that everyone’s vote matters every year. It might really help our democracy.

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