Jul 072005

My thoughts and condolences go to those involved in this morning’s London attacks. I’m fairly certain that none of my extended family lives or works in London, but I do have a cousin whose husband does a fair amount of travelling, so I sent an e-mail just to see how things are going. Checking out the London Bomb Blast Flickr Pool, it seems odd to me that so many people are re-posting shots from news agencies, posting screenshots of website or posting shots from the television. First, aren’t there copyright issues? Second, what’s the point? Sure, if you’re near one of the incidents, happen to have a camera, and want to post something that isn’t callous or exploitive, then, by all means, go ahead. I just don’t see the point of copying things from somewhere else and posting them.

Of course, Bush didn’t waste any time coming up with yet another assinine quote. The most representative snippet:

And the contrast couldn’t be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill — those who have got such evil in their heart that they will take the lives of innocent folks.

It includes his stock themes, a mention of “evil”, a mention of “folks” and touting the good work that he and the G8 cronies are doing in contrast to the morning’s events.

 Posted by on July 7, 2005 at 8:16 pm
Jun 232005

It’s hard to be optimistic when every water-supplied appliance fails. It’s even harder when you keep hearing something new everyday that makes you wonder what alternate reality you’ve inadvertantly stumbled into. Ridiculous laws go into effect. Funding is cut for worthwhile media while huge steaming piles of shitmedia proliferate. The FBI is harassing people and getting away with it.

I was too young during the Reagan years to fully grasp all that was going on. I had glimpses of it through the eyes of people like Berke Breathed and Jello Biafra. I get the feeling now that it’s infinitely worse.

 Posted by on June 23, 2005 at 3:20 am
May 262005

I mentioned the passing of HJR 6 in the Texas House a little while back. It passed the Texas Senate this past week, so we’ll get to vote on it becoming an amendment to the state constitution this November. Yay.

Anyway, I found this Molly Ivins commentary this week which includes the comments of Rep. Senfronia Thompson during the passing of the bill in the house. Also today, I noticed that Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood are engaged. Both have been married previously. Since I’m sure that a lot of the supporters of this bill are fans of those two, perhaps they can tell me when we’ll be passing an amendment to protect the sanctity of marriage from celebrities?

 Posted by on May 26, 2005 at 5:52 pm
May 032005

I’ve written in the past about the crappy job of mass media and especially 24 hour news networks are doing. I was mostly beating on Fox News, but they’re all guilty. Of course, I’m not the only one beating this drum. Rude Pundit weighs in (the Media on the Run section) on this past weekends idiotfest about the runaway bride and Jon Stewart bashed it last night. CNN has become another favorite target and deservedly so.

Speaking of battling idiocy, Richard Dawkins is my new hero.

 Posted by on May 3, 2005 at 6:15 pm
Apr 052005

Wow, does John Cornyn suck or what? I was reading something else yesterday related to the contempt for the judicial system coming from the current majority party. It essentially said that the reason that there are so many things being decided by the courts is because the legislature is writing so many stupid laws. If the legislators were writing laws that made sense, there wouldn’t be so much interpretation left up to the courts or reason for them to strike them down. I think I heard something to this effect on KUT last week as well. It was an op-ed by a woman who proposed that for every stupid law the Texas Legislature passed this session, they should have to remove ten other stupid laws from the books.

 Posted by on April 5, 2005 at 3:55 pm
Mar 252005

Thankfully, it appears that the judicial branch is not, in fact, the executive and legislative branch’s bitch. With any luck, Terry Schaivo will die in peace and the bloated sack that is Tom DeLay can go back to worrying about his inevitable demise.

I was going to post about this Tuesday night, but I was interrupted by a call from The Wife informing me that the entire downstairs of our house had become a lake. I’ll go into details some other time, but I’m going to be in insurance/remodeling hell for the next month or so, assuming we can afford this little setback.

Anyway, it makes me sick to see politicians, the media and someone’s own family make a spectacle out of someone who’s too sick or too young to care for themselves. The Daily Show nailed Monday night. I can only hope that Lisa Rein posts the video if you missed it. I won’t rehash the whole thing, but I’ll dump a flurry of links that I think are good.

Things to take away from all this:

  • Bill Frist, a heart surgeon who’s never met Terry Schiavo, can out-diagnose neurologists who have had time to examine her
  • Tom DeLay is an opportunistic, bloated pigfucker trying to use Terry Schiavo to push some sort of universal twisted pro-life agenda and at the same time take the attention away from the multiple investigations into his campaign shenanigans.
  • George Bush is a hypocritical pigfucker who presided over more executions than anyone cares to count and yet claims to want to protect life at any cost. He’s also the one who signed a bill in Texas allowing the courts to pull the plug on someone despite the families wishes, even if it’s just because they can’t pay for the medical expense of keeping the family member alive. Can somebody please up date the definition of hypocrite and add his picture? Please?
 Posted by on March 25, 2005 at 1:12 am