George Bush doesn’t care about most of us. He’s got no idea what the average american has to deal with day-to-day and he certainly isn’t interested in finding out. I’m sure he’s never had to fight with a health insurance company over a claim. I’m sure he’s never had to decide between buying medicine for a sick family member and eating dinner that night. It’s clearly reflected in his policies. Neal Pollack has a post skewering his “health savings accounts” that he pushed in the 5 minutes that he wasn’t threatening other countries or those who might disagree with him in this week’s State of the Union Address.
Q: Stepping back from the immediate NSA debate that’s going on right now, Vice President Cheney recently said that the White House is reasserting its executive power. Is the NSA program part of that effort? And what do you say to Democrats who charge that you are abusing your constitutional authority?
THE PRESIDENT: I would say that there has been a historical debate between the executive branch and the legislative branch as to who’s got what power. And I don’t view it as a contest with the legislative branch. Maybe they view it as a contest with the executive; I just don’t. I view it — I view the decisions I’ve made, particularly when it comes to national security, as necessary decisions to protect the American people. That’s how –that’s the lens on which I analyze things, Jonathan. And I understand we’re at war with an enemy that wants to hit us again. Osama bin Laden made that clear the other day, and I take his words very seriously. And I also take my responsibility to protect the American people very seriously.
And so we’re going to do what is necessary, within the Constitution and within the law, and at the same time guaranteeing people’s civil liberties, to protect the people. And that’s how I look at this debate. Now, there’s all kinds of people taking a step back and saying well, this is this, this is that. And I recognize throughout history, people — there have been a debate about legislative power and executive power. Part of the questions asked here today kind of reflect that debate.
I’m going to leave that to the lawyers. I believe I’ve been hired by the people to do my job, and that’s to protect the people, and that’s what I’m going to do, mindful of my authorities within the Constitution, mindful of our need to make sure that we stay within the law, and mindful of the need to protect the civil liberties of the people.
Q: Mr. President, though — this is a direct follow up to that — the FISA law was implemented in 1978 in part because of revelations that the National Security Agency was spying domestically. What is wrong with that law if you feel you have to circumvent it and, as you just admitted, expand presidential power?
THE PRESIDENT: May I — if I might, you said that I have to circumvent it. There — wait a minute. That’s a — there’s something — it’s like saying, you know, you’re breaking the law. I’m not. See, that’s what you’ve got to understand. I am upholding my duty, and at the same time, doing so under the law and with the Constitution behind me. That’s just very important for you to understand.
Secondly, the FISA law was written in 1978. We’re having this discussion in 2006. It’s a different world. And FISA is still an important tool. It’s an important tool. And we still use that tool. But also — and we — look — I said, look, is it possible to conduct this program under the old law? And people said, it doesn’t work in order to be able to do the job we expect us to do.
And so that’s why I made the decision I made. And you know, “circumventing” is a loaded word, and I refuse to accept it, because I believe what I’m doing is legally right.
A few different rebuttals on the wiretapping:
General reactions from:
And a point on Cindy Sheehan’s protest and her side of the story. More commentary on Sheehan’s arrest.
Oh yeah, and the economy’s doing great.
And I agree with a lot of what’s said here and in the post that’s being linked from that post.
Just keep telling yourself that global warming isn’t happening. Now, don’t you feel better?
Update(2006.02.03): Sure is warm out.
Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s chief of staff during G.W.’s first term, is speaking publicly about what he thinks of the current administration. Too bad Powell doesn’t have the balls. I had a post last fall which included a link to an article about what one of G.W.’s business school professors thought about him at the time.
My new favorite website.
I’m not letting this go. The president has decided he’s above the law and nobody’s doing anything about it. Where are the impeachment proceedings?
Here’s yet another example where Bush thinks he’s above the law. He signed McCain’s torture bill, but with the presidential equivalent of keeping his fingers crossed while he did it. He and his administration clearly think that they know better than everyone else and you’re a freedom-hating terrorist-lover if you disagree.
I heard this on the way to work this morning, another example of the administration hurting our position more than helping.
When I wrote my last post, I was expecting Bruce Schneier to weigh in on last week’s revelation that Bush had decided to step around the law and he’s done so. Scheier gets to the heart of the matter and tells it like it is. Bush has, in effect, become a dictator, declaring himself above the law in his definition of war time. A war time that has no definable conclusion. I suppose we can count ourselves thankful for term limits, unless he decides that those are obsolete in times of war as well. I urge everyone who’s alarmed by this to contact your congresscritters and let them know that you want him held accountable. I’m doing it this week. Not that I expect either of my Senators to give a damn.
No bullshit. This is it. It’s been going on for the last several years. Half of us rubber-stamped this last November, something I still can’t figure out. It’s time to quit screwing around. Bush has broken the law. He didn’t lie about a blowjob. He broke the fucking law and it doesn’t matter how much he and his staff spin it. Now’s the time to write to your congresscritter, tell them to grow some balls and demand that this shit stop.
Sean linked two posts that are worth reading on this. I saw the first from Perry E. Metzger, whose blog I just added to my must-read list, on Boing Boing earlier today. The second comes from Tony Pierce, who also deserves to be added to the must-read list.
I heard about this on Marketplace and All Things Considered on the way home tonight. The original article is from the LA Times and the NY Times is carrying it as well. Apparently, the Pentagon is using contractors like Lincoln Group to pay Iraqi newspapers to publish positive stories that the Pentagon has written about the Iraq conflict.