May 292007

In a press conference last week, Preznit Bush answered a question from David Gregory:

Q Mr. President, after the mistakes that have been made in this war, when you do as you did yesterday, where you raised two-year-old intelligence, talking about the threat posed by al Qaeda, it’s met with increasing skepticism. The majority in the public, a growing number of Republicans, appear not to trust you any longer to be able to carry out this policy successfully. Can you explain why you believe you’re still a credible messenger on the war?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m credible because I read the intelligence, David, and make it abundantly clear in plain terms that if we let up, we’ll be attacked. And I firmly believe that.

Look, this has been a long, difficult experience for the American people. I can assure you al Qaeda, who would like to attack us again, have got plenty of patience and persistence. And the question is, will we?

Yes, I talked about intelligence yesterday. I wanted to make sure the intelligence I laid out was credible, so we took our time. Somebody said, well, he’s trying to politicize the thing. If I was trying to politicize it, I’d have dropped it out before the 2006 elections. I believe I have an obligation to tell the truth to the American people as to the nature of the enemy. And it’s unpleasant for some. I fully recognize that after 9/11, in the calm here at home, relatively speaking, caused some to say, well, maybe we’re not at war. I know that’s a comfortable position to be in, but that’s not the truth.

Failure in Iraq will cause generations to suffer, in my judgment. Al Qaeda will be emboldened. They will say, yes, once again, we’ve driven the great soft America out of a part of the region. It will cause them to be able to recruit more. It will give them safe haven. They are a direct threat to the United States.

And I’m going to keep talking about it. That’s my job as the President, is to tell people the threats we face and what we’re doing about it. And what we’ve done about it is we’ve strengthened our homeland defenses, we’ve got new techniques that we use that enable us to better determine their motives and their plans and plots. We’re working with nations around the world to deal with these radicals and extremists. But they’re dangerous, and I can’t put it any more plainly they’re dangerous. And I can’t put it any more plainly to the American people and to them, we will stay on the offense.

It’s better to fight them there than here. And this concept about, well, maybe let’s just kind of just leave them alone and maybe they’ll be all right is naive. These people attacked us before we were in Iraq. They viciously attacked us before we were in Iraq, and they’ve been attacking ever since. They are a threat to your children, David, and whoever is in that Oval Office better understand it and take measures necessary to protect the American people.

Oh, where to start? First of all, yes, Al Qaeda is a threat to the U.S. . It is inevitable that someone claiming affiliation with them (whether it’s true or not) will succeed in pulling off another attack on U.S. soil and it doesn’t matter who’s the President when it happens. It’ll happen anyway. Whether or not I blame an administration for it kind of depends on the circumstances and magnitude of the attack and if I believe that we reasonably did all that we could to prevent it.

However, the argument that we’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here is a load of horseshit. On top of that, nobody is advocating that we leave Al Qaeda or any other terrorists who intend to attack us alone. To insinuate that anyone is advocating that is offensive, petty and wrong. The majority of the violence is sectarian violence that we unleashed by attacking a country that didn’t have any credible ties to Al Qaeda.

Here’s a few good links from over the weekend:

I’m currently reading The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, the 2007 NonFiction Pulitzer Prize winner from Austin-based author, Lawrence Wright. It’s reinforced for me even more that giving up the moral high ground with incidents like Abu Ghraib, Jose Padilla, etc. is one of the biggest mistakes we’ve made over the last 7 years. We’ve given Bin Laden way more power than he ever actually had and it’s the fear mongering of the Bush administration and it’s propaganda machine, Fox News, that’s to blame.

 Posted by on May 29, 2007 at 3:09 pm
Apr 122007

The Internets are full of acknowledgments of the death of Kurt Vonnegut who died last night from complications of a fall he recently took. He did seem a bit frail and out of it the last time he was on The Daily Show to promote his last publication, a collection of essays called A Man Without A Country. I first read Vonnegut in either 1992 or 1993. Breakfast of Champions, Cat’s Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five and Welcome to the Monkey House were among my favorites. His writing is amazing. I never did get to hear him speak in person. It sounds like I should check out God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. Anybody have any other recommendations besides the ones that I’ve mentioned?

I have one interesting story related to Vonnegut. When I was living in Manhattan, there was a bookstore at the corner of Stuyvesant and Third Avenue, if I remember correctly. I can’t recall the name. Anyway, I was in there one afternoon buying something and I heard the clerk talking to a guy at the front of the checkout line about Vonnegut. I looked up and there was Woody Harrelson with a handful of Vonnegut books. It was clear he had decided to check out Vonnegut for the first time and was grabbing several of his books to read. I recommended Breakfast of Champions. I think Harrelson was in town to film Money Train at the time.

Not to imply that Rollins is on Vonnegut’s level, but tomorrow night is the beginning of the second season of The Henry Rollins Show on IFC at 10pm CDT. I really enjoyed the first season. He gets a good mix of guests for the interview portion and the musical performance. He kicks off with Marilyn Manson as his interview guest and Peaches, who interviewed last season, as his musical guest.

[tags]kurtvonnegut, death, woodyharrelson, henryrollins, ifc[/tags]

 Posted by on April 12, 2007 at 9:55 am
Apr 042007

Anybody who reads this blog regularly…(just waiting for the crickets)…knows about the massive man crush that I have on Rude Pundit. Today, he shines again. Instead of just burying this in a link post, I fell compelled to quote:

For years, Bush has been the pampered only child, given the easy questions, the soft pitches, the free run to the endzone. He got all the presents, all the love and attention. And then, all of a sudden, like every overprotected manchild, he’s gotta face the real world, and the real world doesn’t give a fuck what he thinks he’s entitled to. Democracy, even though it’s so often a dance among well-connected rich people, is a goddamned fight to the finish. Reid and Nancy Pelosi are schooling Bush, and, indeed, the rest of America, on what it means to live in a democracy.

Of course, you know, the problem is there’s always a Cheney heaving through the foliage, inconspicuous, malevolent, prepared to leap out at a moment’s notice and tear us all apart.

Pure genius.

[tags]rudepundit, gwbush, harryreid, checksandbalances, democracy, smackdown[/tags]

 Posted by on April 4, 2007 at 10:41 am
Feb 072007

Anybody considering voting for Rudy Giuliani in 2008 needs to read these two posts from Mahablog first.

I moved to NYC about a month before David Dinkins was defeated by Giuliani in the city mayoral elections in 1993. Giuliani defeated Dinkins that year, partly because Dinkins was seen as ineffective on crime and was criticized for his handling of the Crown Heights riots in 1991. Whether Giuliani deserves credit or not, there was a noticeable improvement in the safety of the city during his term and I think I benefited from that. I rode subways late into the night between Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan and never had any problems. In fact, I’d see cops a lot of the time. He pushed “zero tolerance” and “quality of life” aka “broken window theory”, cracking down on the aggressive squeegee guys and enforcing laws for smaller crimes on the theory that it’ll cut down on the bigger ones. This is all well and good, but it can be taken too far and it appears that’s what happened in the later 90’s (see the Mahablog articles). Giuliani has been accused of creating what amounted to a police state and was not known for his tolerance. Not the sort of attitude I think most of us want after 8 years of the Bush administration.

Update (2007.02.08): I totally forgot the number one reason not to vote for Giuliani. He completely ruined Times Square, turning it from a seedy, nasty underbelly of NYC full of porn shops, drugs, crime and hookers to Disneyland North.
[tags]rudygiuliani, nyc, candidate, campaign, elections, 2008[/tags]

 Posted by on February 7, 2007 at 1:59 pm
Nov 212006
  1. A WSJ editorial from Virginia senator-elect Jim Webb who defeated racist incumbent George “Macaca” Allen. I have no illusions that any of the democrats are going to make it better for the vast majority of the working and middle class, but it can’t be any worse. The fact that this senate race was as close as it was is a sad commentary on the state of things.
  2. Keith Olbermann with a commentary on Bush in Vietnam and his answer to the question of whether or not lessons from Vietnam could be applied to the current situation in Iraq. He’s a bit overly dramatic, but he makes some really good points. I’m glad someone’s doing it.
  3. An excerpt from reporter Patrick Cockburn’s book, The Occupation: War and Resistance in Iraq (Verso, 2006) on Nevada Thunder, an excellent repository for articles pointing out the myriad of problems with the current administration’s policies.
  4. And Texas proposes a clue but continues to show incredible stupidity thanks to Governor Goodhair and The Hammer.
 Posted by on November 21, 2006 at 3:19 pm
Nov 022006

Only 5 days until Election Day. If you’re not already registered to vote, then you’re hosed, at least here in Austin. You have to be registered 30 days prior to the election in which you’d like to vote. If you are registered, get your ass out there and do it.

Here’s a few things to read an think about over the weekend as you prepare to make your decision:

  • Hearts and BrainsScott sent this New Yorker commentary by Hendrik Hertzberg. It pretty well sums things up.
  • Election, economy and the price of gas – I’m not generally one for conspiracy theories and it seems like this is too complicated to be easily manipulated, but I’m taking note of the current gas price. Let’s see where it is in December or January.
  • The Great Divider – I agree with this 100%. So much for the “compassionate conservative”.
  • Fuck Them – The Rude Pundit on why you should vote against the Republicans this time around. As usual, he doesn’t beat around the Bush (sorry).

It’s impossible not to bring up the recent flap over Kerry’s “joke” in the context of all of this. There’re tons of people across the blogosphere who’ve made valid points about this. It’s a perfect illustration of how screwed up things are right now. I never liked Kerry. I’m still wondering how he got the nomination. At the same time, it’s obvious what he intended when he botched the lame-ass joke, as obvious as what Dick Cheney meant when he referred to waterboarding as a “no-brainer”. Creating a flap over this is just distracting from more important things and the media is a more than willing participant.

 Posted by on November 2, 2006 at 2:29 pm
Oct 232006

It’s a good thing Crooks and Liars posts segments from Bill Maher’s show so I can enjoy them without forking over the dough to HBO since I probably wouldn’t watch much else. I opted to wait for the last season of The Sopranos to come out on DVD instead of paying the extra monthly fee.

Check out the last two clips:

Maher on Neocons.

Maher on Bush, Bolton, Foley, Hastert, Republicans, Democrats, and… maybe, you.

[tags]crooksandliars, realtimewithbillmaher, billmaher, newrule, hbo, commentary[/tags]

 Posted by on October 23, 2006 at 11:05 am
Oct 172006

My parents and my father’s two brothers were in town for a visit this past weekend. I was putting the kids to bed last night and came back downstairs to find my sister and father watching the last 10 minutes of the No Reservations episode with Tony Bourdain in Beirut during the Israeli bombardment this past summer. We’d watched a saved episode of No Reservations earlier in the day and it seemed that dad liked that particular episode and took a liking to Bourdain. Dad’s become more and more conservative in the last 10 years and commented at the end of the Beirut episode, “a liberal saved by the marines” or something to that effect.

My immediate thought was something along the lines of being able to disagree with the policies that put him in that situation, but being supportive and appreciative of the marines themselves. Instead, I said nothing. Since he doesn’t do “the Internets”, I intend to bring this back up over the phone the next time I talk to him.

Along similar lines, The Rude One graces us with his take on the situation in Iraq and the Lancet study released last week (something I’d love to get Andy read in depth and provide his take on the methodology even though he’s not particularly versed in mortality projections).

[tags]anthonybourdain, noreservations, beirut, foreignpolicy, iraq, rudepundit, lancet[/tags]

 Posted by on October 17, 2006 at 2:49 pm
Oct 032006

Glenn Greenwald on the still unfolding Mark Foley scandal:

The Big Revelation has not yet occurred. That is going to be the first confirmed report of Foley’s having actual, in-person sex with one of the pages. At this point, there is no doubt that he did so. He wasn’t inviting them over to his apartment to drink alcohol in order to watch television with them. Still, that hasn’t been reported yet. We’ve been building up to it incrementally and Brian Ross is, I have no doubt, scouring his inbox at this moment for the lead that will take him there.

These endless, incremental disclosures are much more painful for the Republicans — not unlike Chinese Water Torture (which, coincidentally enough, is a technique that the President now has the power to use, thanks in part to legislation approved last week by Denny Hastert, John Boehner, Tom Reynolds and Mark Foley).

[tags]markfoley, glenngreenwald, scandal, torture[/tags]

 Posted by on October 3, 2006 at 1:22 pm
Oct 022006

It’s vile. It’s more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction.

Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach in September 1998, soon after the release of the Starr report on the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal (St. Petersburg Times).

Yes, that Mark Foley.

[tags]markfoley, hypocrite, scandal, clinton, pot, kettle[/tags]

 Posted by on October 2, 2006 at 11:30 am