Apr 112003

I added a “Sounds of La” section similar to the one that already exists for Henry. You can get to it via her picture of the week page, just look for the sounds link.

In other news, we went to a parent information meeting for the new UT Charter School that is to open in east Austin this fall. We’ve put The Boy’s name into the lottery and will find out April 28th whether or not he’ll be accepted to their pre-kindergarten class in August. They scored the principal from Zilker Elementary. She seemed nice and very together. Cross your fingers for us.

 Posted by on April 11, 2003 at 5:45 am
Apr 102003

This kind of builds on some of my earlier posts on US foreign policy and the war in Iraq. All of the surprise and disbelief about our current course was laid out in print by several influential members of the current administration (most notably Paul Wolfowitz) in Present Dangers: Crisis and opportunity in American foreign and defense policy, originally published in October 2000. With no clear opposition coming from the Democrats, I shudder to think what 4 more years of that ignorant playboy puppet and his neoconservative handlers will bring. At least I can go down laughing thanks to the Daily Show, about which there was a great article on Salon yesterday. If you don’t subscribe, you can get a free pass to see the article by watching an ad or something.

 Posted by on April 10, 2003 at 12:55 am
Apr 092003

I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that I’ve been battling weeds in the backyard. I finally got them all pulled this past weekend. I filled about 8 more bags with the evil vegetation. Now I still need to mow the lawn, rake out the rest of the debris and start planting grass before it’s too late and it all gets fried by the brutal Texas sun. I discovered that you can’t plant St. Augustine, you have to sod it. I decided to get some Fescue seed instead since I’m not a very big fan of St. Augustine. We’ll see how it goes.

Being a huge Hitchcock fan, I thought this site was really cool. It reminds you how much things change over time. I wonder if anyone has done something similar with Austin? Downtown in particular has really changed even in the last 14 years since I moved here. It also reminded me that I wish I had taken a before and after picture of the yard after all of this weed pulling. Taking photos and video can be a pain in the ass, but it’s so cool to be able to look back many years later and see things that you forgot about. This becomes even more apparent when you’ve got little ones. I’m not sure where I’m going with this. Just trying to reinforce it with myself, I guess.

 Posted by on April 9, 2003 at 8:20 pm
Apr 052003

I posted a new picture of the week last night. It’s got both kids in matching outfits. I’ll let you figure out who it’s under. Careful, it’s disgustingly high on the cuteness scale.

 Posted by on April 5, 2003 at 12:04 am
Mar 222003

Well, we went ahead and did it. No turning back now. Hooray.

This resignation by a lifetime US diplomat is a couple of days old, but I’m just seeing it now. There’s also the resignation of Robin Cook, the leader of the House of Commons from a few days ago.

Even if it turns out that this administration was correct and Iraq was about to develop and sell a bunch of nukes to terrorists (or whatever the hell their reasons were for needing to do this in such a hurry), we’re still f’ed in the eyes of the international community. I hope it was worth it.

 Posted by on March 22, 2003 at 1:36 am