May 062003

I’ve written in the past about the Parking Walrus. I hadn’t seen him in a while and thought that perhaps the daycare director had struck some kind of deal where he gets all of the smelt that he wants and we get to use his beloved parking spaces for 5 minutes while we drop off our kids.

This morning, the daycare lot was full and I parked in one of the Walrus’s spaces. I noticed him on the other side of the lot , checking the self-serve pay box. Thinking nothing of it, I took Henry into daycare. We said our goodbyes and I headed back out to the parking lot.

Much to my delight, the Walrus was standing in front of my car, writing me one of his Walrus Tickets. As I walked up to the car, he gave me the evil eye. I said that I thought everything had been worked out and that it was ok to park there briefly. He asked where I got that idea and informed me that it was not ok. He then told me that it would be ok to sit and wait for a space to open in the daycare lot (pointing to another parent next to me who was doing just that), but as soon as I physically left my car in his lot, he said, “It’s mine.” I pointed out that I probably would be spending more time in his lot waiting for a space to open than if I simply parked and ran my kid in. He dismissed this bit of logic and proceeded to tell me that the parking lot was a business and that they were in business to make money. He then went into a rant about how there were empty metered spaces on the street that were available and that I should use those. I once again pointed out that there were plenty of empty spaces and that I wasn’t preventing him from making money. He then tried to compare his lot to a movie theater. If I was the only one in the theater, I’d still have to pay to see the movie. If anyone out there can show me how that comparison makes any sense, be sure to email me and explain it. I told him his analogy made no sense and that I had to get to work. I got in the car and once again left him with a half-written Walrus Ticket. Poor impotent Parking Walrus. He tries to defend his territory with all of the the bluster he can muster, but there’s just nothing to back it up. I’m in and out of there so fast, that there’s no way in hell that he could ever hope to get a tow truck there before I return to the car. There’s really nothing he can do to deter me. I almost feel sorry for him…almost.

 Posted by on May 6, 2003 at 8:00 pm
May 062003

Saturday was Free Comic Book Day. We took Henry to Dragon’s Lair for a few free comics. We picked up a few for ourselves including a compilation book with a short Milk and Cheese (p.s. the link appears to be broken at the moment) story. It was also election day in Austin. We elected a new mayor and some city council seats. Mary and I actually went and voted. The outcome was pretty much a forgone conclusion and Will Wynn was elected as expected.

We also had tickets to the matinee performance of Cirque Du Soleil’s Alegria. It was the first time to a Cirque performance for all of us. We brought Lily and Henry. Henry was just old enough to get into it and Lily slept most of the performance, allowing Mary and I to enjoy the whole thing. I highly recommend going to a performance if you have a chance despite the rather high ticket prices. I’ve passed on seeing O and Mystere on my trips to Vegas over the past few years, but I’m definitely not going to miss O the next time I’m there. We finished the day off with dinner at Hoover’s (great food despite their crap website). Both kids were amazingly well behaved, although Lily did manage to dump Mary’s entire drink into both their laps just as we were finishing eating.

Sunday was yoga for Mary, basketball for me, and trips to Sam’s, Target, and Central Market for all four of us, making it painfully obvious that we need a bigger car.

 Posted by on May 6, 2003 at 2:52 am
May 032003

Ever try searching a folder for files that contain a bit of text in Windows XP and come back empty handed when you know damn well it’s in there somewhere? You’re not alone. Some dude named Doug Knox was cool enough to code up some vbscript to help solve the problem. Or you can go to Microsoft and see what they have to say about it.

On a somewhat related note, I had ordered a Sharp Zaurus from Home Shopping Network because it was a ridiculous deal. Apparently, I didn’t act fast enough and they took more orders than they could fill, so I got a cancellation notice from them last week. For some strange reason, I’m now lusting after a 17 inch Powerbook. With our summer trips, an unforeseen root canal, the need for a larger automobile and various home improvements that have been begging for attention for at least a few years, it’s not bloody likely.

 Posted by on May 3, 2003 at 1:00 am
May 022003

Mary visited one of the other mothers from our birthing class today. Her son is about two weeks older than Lily. She got some great pictures. You can check them out on their website.

Also, I’ve finally upgraded my version of PHPNuke in the hopes of getting an RSS feed going. Let me know if you find anything wacky as I’m sure to have screwed something up.

 Posted by on May 2, 2003 at 8:01 am
Apr 292003

Now that I’ve appeased those who wanted new pictures, it’s back to politics. There’s been a lot of uproar about the ties between Cheney, Halliburton and lucrative government contracts to rebuild Iraq, but check this out.

 Posted by on April 29, 2003 at 2:36 am
Apr 252003

I’ve just added this site to GeoURL after seeing it over on Stepan’s site. I’ve also added another block on the left for all of those nifty link buttons that people are crazy about. The first addition will lead you to GeoURL and show you the sites based near me (of course, the physical location of the sites themselves are probably somewhere else).

There’ll definitely be new pictures this weekend as Eeyore’s is tomorrow and today is The Boy’s play with his Tiny Thespians class. He’s the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz. He’s got two lines, so hopefully he’ll remember them.

 Posted by on April 25, 2003 at 7:22 pm
Apr 222003

I found this on For those of you that are unaware, I grew up in Richardson and my parents still live there. One more reason that I’m glad that I don’t live there anymore. The kid in the article is only six months older than The La and more than a year younger than The Boy was when he finally weaned completely. The fact that this case ever got an indictment from a grand jury is absolutely ridiculous. Scary. Very scary. The Wife hasn’t seen this yet, but I’m sure she’ll flip when she does.

 Posted by on April 22, 2003 at 8:40 pm