Jun 252003

An awful lot going on in the Trentham household these days.

I spent last night putting together the coffee table that I picked up while in Houston on business last week. The Wife’s quite taken with it. I thought she was going to sleep on the sofa so that she could be near it.

The Boy’s finishing up his second week of swim lessons with the City of Austin. He’s really enjoyed it. We recommend it highly. He’ll definitely be going back, but next time we’ll register early enough to get a pool closer to our house. The closest one had the classes canceled because there weren’t enough people signed up. The La’s crawling all over the place and can now stand on her own for about a minute. She could be walking before the summer is over.

My PC still isn’t functioning properly, but I’ll probably post some new pics tonight. I’ll just have to store the pictures on the old drive for now until I can get it working. It’s pretty clear now that both drives are intact, but for reasons I can’t explain, the computer keeps wanting to boot from the storage drive instead of the original drive that it’s been booting from since I bought the PC 6 years ago. I don’t know what it was about that lock up that screwed up the BIOS, but I’m still uncertain how to fix it. There are a few things I’m planning to try as soon as I have the time.

I can’t remember if I already mentioned it, but my f**king ISP is still screwing up billing and have been for most of this year. I finally got them to clear up the original problems only to find that they had double-billed me again. How hard is it to charge someone the same fee once a month?

Lastly, I’ve been working on a site for my parents condo for the past few months, but haven’t had much time to devote to it. I’d say it’s about 75% of the way there. Hopefully, I can get some time to finish it up soon.

 Posted by on June 25, 2003 at 7:49 pm
Jun 172003

We went looking at minivans on Saturday. All of my single friends can feel free to start the insulting comments. We’re probably going to get something in August. Our first stop was Honda to test drive an Odyssey. I must say that I was quite impressed. The sales guy was actually pretty cool. Very low key. We’re probably going to consider the Kia Sedona, Dodge Grand Caravan and Mazda MPV, but I don’t see any of them being able to beat the Odyssey. It’s got the most horsepower and holds it’s value the best. Now we just have to figure out how we can afford one without putting ourselves in massive debt…

 Posted by on June 17, 2003 at 7:09 pm
Jun 162003

I still don’t have access to both drives on my home pc. Both seem intact, but I just can’t get the machine to boot with both connected. Things have been crazy at work for the last couple of weeks, but I might have some breathing room this week to finally get it sorted out.

 Posted by on June 16, 2003 at 2:55 am
May 312003

With the amount of work that I’ve got going on right now, it looks like it might be a while before I resurrect my PC. I did download some hard drive diagnostic tools from the manufacturer today at work. While you’re waiting for me to regain access to our photo library and the pictures from Memorial Day weekend at my parents, here are some photos of Lily and the rest of Baby Chaos from yesterday. Oh yeah, my condolences to the Mavericks. It was a hard fought game. I blame old man, Steve Kerr, and his 4-4 from the three point line. I’m wearing my Mavericks Western Conference Finals t-shirt today in solidarity.

 Posted by on May 31, 2003 at 12:01 am
May 282003

I finally got to try out the new cable modem around 9:00 last night after getting the kids to bed. I hooked it up and tried Mary’s email first. Everything worked fine and she didn’t lose any of her mail, so apparently the Time Warner rep screwup was minor. I might also add that they called me this morning to make sure that everything was ok. Nice service.

I assume everything is fine with my email accounts as well, but I’ve been unable to check. I rebooted my machine and started up Outlook. I had to go into one of the email accounts and change the password since it changed when they re-created the main account. As I tried to apply the password change, Outlook went to check the email for that account. It locked up. It’s not unusual for Outlook to lock up on me while retrieving mail, so I simply reset the computer. Lily started crying. I went to deal with her, expecting to come back to a Windows XP login prompt. I came back to “No active partition. Operating system not found.” Uh oh. After running Norton Emergency disk and some of the Windows XP Recovery stuff from the CD, it seems clear that my computer no longer recognizes my boot hard drive. I’ve got two hard drives, the original that came with the machine and one that I added a couple of years ago for extra storage. The original contains the OS and most my programs while the added drive contains most of the important stuff. If the original is in fact hosed, it means that I lose email and not much else. I’m hoping I can resurrect it. Between the modem and this, I must have some sort of increased static charge or magnetic field or something.

The bright spots are that it appears that MCHost finally credited me back the extra money that they charged me and the Mavericks managed to prolong the agony one more game for the Spurs. We’ll see how they do tomorrow night.

 Posted by on May 28, 2003 at 8:01 pm
May 272003

In addition to the crap that RoadRunner is putting me through today, I’ve been battling my hosting provider, MCHost for the past couple of weeks over billing issues. They’ve double-charged me for hosting for January-April. They don’t post a phone number, so I have to go through their web-based support tickets. I must say that their turnaround time and response quality are horrible. Between the service when something goes wrong and the fact that my server was up and down a lot in March, I’m seriously condsidering moving hosting providers back to Avid. They cost more, but it appears that you definitely get what you pay for when it comes to support.

While I’m bitching, I might as well also complain about UnitedHealthcare’s dental insurance. There was a mix up with our enrollment where they originally thought something wasn’t covered, but it was and we had to file the claim ourselves as Mary’s dentist doesn’t file claims (gee, I wonder why?). We’ve gone back and forth with them about 5 times now about what is required for the claim ($1600, I might add). We had the dentist send x-rays. UH claims not to have them in their system even though they “have a record of receiving something”. Getting an insurance company to pay for a legitimate charge in a reasonable amount of time is a nightmare.

I’m really getting fed up with all of this crap. It’s not like I don’t have enough to deal with at work and home without having all this other shit go wrong. Mmmmm…venting.

 Posted by on May 27, 2003 at 11:14 pm
May 272003

We were in Dallas for Memorial Day weekend. We returned to find out cable modem out. Tech support decided it was either my modem or the line. The modem is the original one from at least 4 years ago and apparently no longer supported. I brought that one in and traded it for a new one this morning. I’m hoping that fixes the problem. I tried emailing my home account from work when I got here and it bounced telling me that the user account doesn’t exist. I’m on hold now trying to find out what the hell is going on.

Other than the Internet access problems, it was a good weekend. I got to go to the Mavericks-Spurs game on Friday night with my dad. We saw Identity on Saturday night. I give it a B+. We also got some great pictures of the kids in my parents’ pool. I’ll post them as soon as Time Warner decides to fix my access problems.

 Posted by on May 27, 2003 at 8:28 pm
May 152003

Two links from BoingBoing:

Anthony Swofford is going to be at BookPeople tomorrow. While his book (in the Legere block to the right over there), is interesting, I don’t think it’s interesting enough to motivate me to go see him. On the other hand, Eric Schlosser is going to be there next week promoting his new book,
Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap…
. I’m still kicking myself in the head for missing Tony Bourdain’s appearance last year.

This falls into the don’t-believe-everything-you-read-on-the-Internet category. If this chart is true, then I want to know how I got gypped out of my John Holmes-like endowment. My size 15 shoes aren’t even on the chart.

 Posted by on May 15, 2003 at 10:17 pm
May 122003

Happy anniversary to The Wife and I and a belated Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there. My mother was in town for the weekend. We went to Hoover’s for Mother’s Day brunch yesterday afternoon. The Wife and I both had the smoked pork tenderloin with raspberry chipotle sauce. We all shared a slice of banana pudding cheesecake and a slice of sweet potato praline cheesecake. I think I was partial to the latter of the two. I think we got some pretty good photos of the kids. I’ll try and post them tonight.

In addition to the Hoover’s trip, The Wife and I managed to sneak out on Saturday night for an early anniversary celebration. We started out at the scene of the crime two years ago, the San Jose, for a drink. We moved on to the Stephen F. Austin bar where we watched the Mavericks beat the Kings in double-overtime and then one last quick one at Casino. We watched Le Pacte des Loups last night. It was mediocre. I give it a B-.

 Posted by on May 12, 2003 at 8:00 pm
May 092003

I’ve dumped my links page in favor of the phpNuke links module. I’m in the process of vaildating and moving them over now. Since everything is being added at once, it’s all being marked as “New”. I’ll probably go in and tweak that once I’ve got them all moved over. I probably won’t finish until tomorrow. I don’t expect that I’ll inconvenience very many people. I like some of the extra features that phpNuke adds, but I’m not too keen on their formatting. I’ll be tweaking it later this week as well.

On the home front, we had to get the A/C repaired yesterday and it sounds like the dental insurance company is trying to stick us with a massive bill from some work that The Wife had done last month. I’m still trying to sort out if it’s their fault or my company’s fault. Joy.

 Posted by on May 9, 2003 at 2:49 am