An awful lot going on in the Trentham household these days.
I spent last night putting together the coffee table that I picked up while in Houston on business last week. The Wife’s quite taken with it. I thought she was going to sleep on the sofa so that she could be near it.
The Boy’s finishing up his second week of swim lessons with the City of Austin. He’s really enjoyed it. We recommend it highly. He’ll definitely be going back, but next time we’ll register early enough to get a pool closer to our house. The closest one had the classes canceled because there weren’t enough people signed up. The La’s crawling all over the place and can now stand on her own for about a minute. She could be walking before the summer is over.
My PC still isn’t functioning properly, but I’ll probably post some new pics tonight. I’ll just have to store the pictures on the old drive for now until I can get it working. It’s pretty clear now that both drives are intact, but for reasons I can’t explain, the computer keeps wanting to boot from the storage drive instead of the original drive that it’s been booting from since I bought the PC 6 years ago. I don’t know what it was about that lock up that screwed up the BIOS, but I’m still uncertain how to fix it. There are a few things I’m planning to try as soon as I have the time.
I can’t remember if I already mentioned it, but my f**king ISP is still screwing up billing and have been for most of this year. I finally got them to clear up the original problems only to find that they had double-billed me again. How hard is it to charge someone the same fee once a month?
Lastly, I’ve been working on a site for my parents condo for the past few months, but haven’t had much time to devote to it. I’d say it’s about 75% of the way there. Hopefully, I can get some time to finish it up soon.