Aug 012007
Jul 312007
Jul 302007
Jul 162007
Jul 102007
Not sure if the Bush quotes are true or not. Wouldn’t surprise me.
Jul 072007
Jul 062007
This is completely horrifying and immediately made me think of two things: 1) Chuck Palahniuk’s Guts and 2) To remind my kids to stay away from pool drains.
Jul 042007
A good review of Moore’s new film. Moore’s up to his usual tricks, making some good points, but utterly skewing things to his point of view. There’s got to be a way to mitigate wait lists, but lower costs and remove insurance companies from the mix.
Jul 032007
I’m not sure I trust Google (or any one company) to do this, although I did take the step recently of switching from AirSet to Google Calendar and I’ve started POPing my roadrunner accounts from GMail. Soon, I’ll be assimilated too.
I saw Casablanca at Bryant Park when I was living in NYC in either 1994 or 1995. I don’t recall there being a crazy rush, but they didn’t institute this policy until 2000. It seemed like then that you could get a spot pretty late.
Jul 022007