Aug 142007
Aug 122007
This is getting linked a lot this weekend. Cheney’s response would be that everything changed after 9/11. Well, reasons for going in changed, but the situation that he describes didn’t. It wasn’t worth the risk before 9/11 and it’s not worth it now.
Aug 102007
Jason DeFillippo linked this article about new stuff coming from id. I was a HUGE fan of Quake, Quake 2 and Quake 3, especially Team Arena. I’ve gotten away from gaming, but would love to see it keep going. Interesting stuff.
Aug 092007
Aug 082007
Aug 072007
There’s a lot here, but his main point is that the passing of new FISA legislation legalizes the warrantless wiretapping and removes the possibility of impeaching Gonzales and therefore Bush and Cheney. Not that FISA gave much protection anyway.
Aug 062007
Found this through Crooks and Liars and am linking it b/c it illustrates the power of YouTube and the internet in the campaign cycle. We never would’ve seen this debate or gotten this view of Romney otherwise.
Aug 042007
Just for the list of suggested torrent search sites.
Aug 032007
Aug 022007