I heard McCain parrot this same bullshit on the Daily Show last week.
?uestlove of The Roots has a run-in with airport security, FBI and DEA in an unfortunate set of circumstances. He managed to convince them, but they were jerks in the process.
Luke Wroblewski, who I saw speak at SXSW 2007, is working on a best practices in web design book. I’ll have to keep my eye out for that. I was impressed with the all-too-brief 20 minute presentation.
Yes, it’s written by a Democrat for a left-leaning think tank, but you just can’t refute a lot of this. No one should want politics and partisanship to trump governing properly and I think the Republicans and Bush administration have outdone themselves.
Yep. Tenet and Powell should both have resigned. At least Powell wasn’t accepting medals and hasn’t come out with a book trying to deflect blame, but he’s still never going to recover from his association with Bush. Tenet’s a weasel.
Awesome collection of quotes from pundits at the start of the Iraq War to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the war that they all seemed to think would be so quick and decisive.(tags: tomtomorrow huffingtonpost)
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