Oct 092003

When we were home over Labor Day, The Wife and my sister found a couple of old pictures of my dad that I had gotten from my grandmother several years ago. I thought they had been misplaced in one of my many moves, but they were at my parents house all along. I finally got a chance to scan them in last night over at a friend’s. I’d really like to get at all of the other old photos and do the same thing. Yet another project that I don’t have enough time for. Coincidentally, we got the prints back from The Boy’s school photos yesterday as well so I scanned them too.

My father is about three in the photo on the left and The Boy is about a year older in his picture: two pictures taken nearly 60 years apart. I’m not sure what’s up with that weird smile that The Boy’s sporting.

I also scanned in another photo with (from left to right) my Great Uncle Tim, whom I’m named after, Uncle Ken, my dad’s younger brother, my dad, who’s about 10 in the photo, and my cousin Bob, Tim’s son. It’s very Norman Rockwell, I think. It was taken on Staten Island circa 1953.

 Posted by on October 9, 2003 at 10:29 pm
Sep 252003

Sophia took a few pictures of the kids at Odd Friday. They weren’t there very long as The Wife and I had a miscommunication. We ran a babysitting service over the weekend, watching W. on Saturday and H. on Sunday. The La was fascinated by the boys with platinum blonde hair. She kept patting W. on the head. I suppose she was checking to see if it was real hair.

Tomorrow is The Company’s 5th anniversary, celebrations are planned for the afternoon and evening. Of course, The Boy’s school planned Back to School Night for tomorrow as well. The Wife’s going to shuttle between both events. I’ll stay at the work party. I’m teaching a Freenet class on Saturday and next week will see visits to Austin by Turbonegro and Neal Stephenson.

Oh yeah, this story is absolutely fucking ridiculous and one of the reasons why I don’t relish dealing with other parents at school. There’s always someone who’s got to be offended by something, let the whole world know about it, and then impose their own worldview on everyone else. I’ve only been the parent of a school age child for a month and I’ve already had to deal with this. I kept my mouth shut at the time because the issue really wasn’t worth it, but you can bet if something like this happens at a school my child attends, I’ll be there to talk some sense into them. At least it sounds like the school board in this case is reasonable.

 Posted by on September 25, 2003 at 8:00 am
Aug 262003

The La was sick all weekend with a sore throat and a fever that hovered around 102 for a while. She seems better now, but she’s been keeping us on our toes with the odd habit of holding all of her drool in her mouth, apparently avoiding swallowing because it’s too painful, and then randomly opening her mouth and dumping all of the drool out wherever she happens to be. Thankfully, most of the time this is on her own shirt, but we’ve taken to preemptively emptying her mouth with a washcloth to avoid any more collateral damage to the relatively new couch and our bed. We’ve been stepping in wet spots all weekend. She even slipped on one of her own drool slicks in the kitchen (no harm done, thankfully). Eeeew.

I’ve run into some interesting ‘Net trivia throughout the day today and thought I’d share:

 Posted by on August 26, 2003 at 1:04 am
Aug 222003

There’s an article in yesterday’s Statesman about a small business. The interesting part is that it’s in the house where The Boy was born. The article briefly mentions that it was a “midwifery”. I’m not sure that’s a correct application of the word, but whatever. It’s not the type of store I’d typically visit, but it might be interesting to go by and see what it looks like now. Shelley had a cool tradition of putting the footprints of each baby who was born there on the wall not long after they were born. The Boy’s were on the east wall in the back bedroom. I suspect all the footprints have been painted over in the interim. I think it’s been at least one other business in between this current shop and when Shelley closed down. Visit the link now as you won’t have access to the article after Wednesday due to the Statesman’s stupid online policy.

 Posted by on August 22, 2003 at 6:53 pm
Aug 202003

We haven’t been having much luck with photos lately, which is why I haven’t updated the picture of the week in a while. The Wife forgot to bring the camera with her to Reston. We also didn’t take many pictures while my mom was here this weekend. On top of that, it seems that the pictures that we do take don’t come out so well. Mom sent along some from this weekend, but I was unimpressed with the paltry sampling that she sent. So, you’ll have to make do with a poor shot of The Boy on his first day of school and a rather comical shot of The La. She literally fell asleep in the middle of dinner on Monday. I’m having fun with the captions in spite of the drought.

 Posted by on August 20, 2003 at 7:29 am
Aug 202003

The Boy started Pre-K at UT Elementary School today. He started the morning bright-eyed in his uniform of a white polo and khaki shorts. He was yodeling or something as we were getting ready. I first said “Boy, please.” which he apparently didn’t understand as a request to stop. When I explained to him that I wanted him to stop the singing/yodeling because it was irritating, he commenced to singing the word “irritating”. Somewhere around this time, The Wife started paying attention to what we were talking about and laughed at me.

It sounds like he had a good time, but he was tight-lipped when I talked to him on the phone. He was very excited this morning and moved right into the crowd of kids as we left. His teacher, Mrs. Karasch, has her hands full with 19 kids in the class. She shooed all of the parents out the door pretty quickly this morning. We took a few pictures which I’ll upload tonight if they’re any good. Be on the lookout for stories about the school in local media. KVUE had a story Sunday night and KEYE filmed Henry and I on the way into the school this morning. The Wife says that News8 was there this afternoon (In fact, there’s already a story from this morning. You can watch the video version of the interview from the same page.) and that she spoke briefly with a reporter from the Statesman.

On a totally unrelated note, I managed to lose my sunglasses yesterday. Since I’ve had them for 5 or 6 years and they were $4.99 at Walgreen’s, I’m not going to search for them. The Wife, who hated the old ones, will be happy to find out that I purchased a new, considerably more expensive pair at lunch. Given the cost, I’m sure to lose them before the end of next week.

 Posted by on August 20, 2003 at 1:30 am
Aug 142003

The Wife and kids returned from Reston yesterday morning. I picked them up from the airport, had lunch with them and then headed to work for the afternoon until my dentist appointment at 4:15. I got out of the dentist appointment in time to catch Steve Burns’ in-store appearance at Waterloo Records, although I missed the live performance. I really wish the rest of the family could’ve made it as I felt a bit creepy standing in line to get Steve’s autograph on his new CD. They were stuck at home since The Wife loaned her car out to a friend while she was gone and didn’t get it back until late last night. Most of the rest of the line consisted of parents with their preschoolers. He dutifully took pictures with some of the kids (one even holding a stuffed Blue). The weirdest moment was some older woman asking him to put lipstick on and kiss a napkin or something to leave a lip print. I was amazed to see him comply, although he ducked behind the counter to actually apply the lipstick and kiss the item. I would’ve refused if I were him. Steve noted that I didn’t look like a typical fan of his. I explained the absence of the rest of the family, told him that we miss him on the show (Does anyone like Joe better?), and said that I dug the web site and “What I Do On A Saturday”. He signed our CD and I headed home. The music has some Radiohead and, oddly enough, Pink Floyd elements to it. It may also sound something like The Flaming Lips as they collaborated with him, but I’m not familiar with any of their music.

 Posted by on August 14, 2003 at 7:08 pm