Nov 292003

We opted to stay home this Thanksgiving and have some friends over. It turned out to be one friend, but that was fine as it was that much less stress. The dinner was wonderful and everything turned out great. The Wife did an amazing job timing everything. We tried an appetizer recipe that I saw on Food Network last week. It was enough of a success that I think it’ll make a repeat performance at Xmas. The Boy helped mash the potatoes, but then didn’t eat any. What kid doesn’t like mashed potatoes? My first attempt at carving a turkey wasn’t too much of a disaster. We saved the wishbone as The Boy knew all about it. Earlier in the day, he also pointed out a cornucopia during the Macy’s Parade. I guess he’s learning all of this at school. I’m impressed.

I got to sleep late yesterday and we went to see Elf in the afternoon. It was fine light holiday fare. If you’re looking for a few laughs, I’d recommend it. I wouldn’t, however, recommend going to see it at a Cinemark theater if you have small children. I don’t want to get off on too much of a rant here, but I want people to know about their corporate policy since we were unaware. First, they charge admission to kids one-year-old or older, so we had to pay $5.25 for LaLa even though she didn’t take up a seat. I’m fairly certain that most theaters don’t charge for one-year-olds. Second, when Mary went to go change her during the movie, she found that none of the bathrooms had a changing table. When she complained to the manager, she was informed that it’s Cinemark’s corporate policy not to have the tables to discourage people from bringing small children to the theater. Now, I can understand this from the point of view that there’s nothing worse than a crying baby or whooping toddler during a movie, but I think that actively discouraging small children to all showings is stupid. If we want to bring our toddler to an early show of a PG or G movie and we’re willing to take her out if she makes too much noise, then we should be able to take her and have reasonable accommodations. I have to think that by making this their policy, Cinemark is turning away a lot of business. We gave them about $30 yesterday and after finding out that our youngest isn’t welcome, we won’t be spending any more at a Cinemark theater (at least until LaLa is potty-trained).

Speaking of LaLa and toddler antics, we had a classic moment before going to the movie. Mary was taking a shower. The Boy was downstairs watching T.V. and I was upstairs with LaLa. I was reading something in one room while LaLa wandered from room to room. She’s into opening and closing doors and I heard the bathroom door shut. When she didn’t come out again after a minute or two, I went to investigate. I tried opening the door only to find that she had opened the drawer closest to the door (another favorite activity) and, since the door opens inward, was now blocking it from opening. The drawer is close enough to the door that it only allowed it to open wide enough to stick my fingers through. Uhoh. I spent the next few minutes trying to coax her to close the drawer on her own, but she kept trying to open the door instead. I managed to use a few fingers from one hand on top and a few from the other hand on the bottom to scoot the drawer closed some of the way, but since the front of the drawer sticks out farther than the rest, it meant that the opening in the door became too small for my fingers. By this time, LaLa was starting to get upset that she couldn’t get out and The Wife came to investigate the situation. I had her try to put her hand in the opening, but she couldn’t manage it either. I think I’m the only one with fingers long enough to reach the drawer. The Wife went off to find a wire hanger to try and use to hook the drawer and a screwdriver in case we had to remove the doorknob. While she was gone, I tried once more to jam my fingers into the opening and get the drawer closed. I managed to do it this time and the now crying and sniffling LaLa was free of her potty prison. There’s now a spare doorknob guard on that bathroom and I’ll be purchasing some drawer locks on Monday. Classic.

 Posted by on November 29, 2003 at 5:08 pm
Nov 112003

We made our annual family pilgrimage to New Braunfels yesterday for Wurstfest. We were met there by Stepan & Jfer and the English family (along with Kevin’s parents). The weather was fairly cold and it was overcast and drizzling for most of the day. The outing was a success for the most part. We ate all of our usual foods: potato pancakes with applesauce and sausage, bratwurst on a stick, pork chop on a stick, funnel cake, fried pickles and, of course, Paulaner Octoberfest with Sprite and Wurstfest Wasser (their own branded bottled water) for the young’uns.

The big disappointment of the day was Jimmy Sturr and his Orchestra’s failure to play the Chicken Dance (The link I picked is a bit dry, but it’s the first one that I could find that didn’t have blink tags or start one of those annoying midi loops. There oughta be a law). They normally play it and it was particularly disappointing since we had taken the time to teach the moves to The Boy beforehand. As evidenced by my link, the Chicken Dance is apparently really cool with the preschool set once they’ve been turned on to it. Luckily, the band that followed Jimmy Sturr played it and The Boy had a ball. We’ll have to reconsider scheduling our trip around Mr. Sturr’s performance in the future if he’s not going to play the required fare.

The Boy was more taken with the cheap carnival rides and games this year. Thankfully, the games aren’t a total rip-off. They give the kids something even if they don’t win and if you shell out $5 as opposed to the basic $2, they’ll let you pick out whatever you want from the prize junk regardless of whether your kid won or not. He scored a small crab, a medium-sized gorilla and a fairly large inflatable Spider-Man. He also proclaimed upon seeing another kid with a frog hat that he wanted a hat. We waited until the end of the day and convinced him that he needed an alpine Wurstfest hat (mainly because of cost). Unfortunately, the only color left was yellow. He seemed happy with his choice.

I think The La’s favorites were sausage, funnel cake and polka music. She also seemed to like the carousel. I’ve posted pictures of both kids. We got enough decent shots that I’ll probably rotate in a new one for each later in the week.

 Posted by on November 11, 2003 at 9:04 am
Nov 032003

We attended the dedication ceremonies for UT Elementary yesterday afternoon. It included speeches from Larry Faulkner, UT President, Charles Miller, chairman of the UT Board of Regents, a UTES parent and a professor. It was also attended by Gus Garcia, Eddie Rodriguez, the UT cheerleaders, somebody dressed up in a Bevo costume and some version of the Longhorn band (those playing looked a little above college age, so I’m guessing it was an alumni version or something). The kids have been practicing some songs over the past couple of weeks and performed them after the speeches. It was all supposed to be outside, but it rained just as the ceremony was to start and it didn’t let up until halfway through. Several of the local TV stations were there, we didn’t catch the footage last night (too busy watching the new Fox season and MTV’s Sunday Stew), but there’s a mention of it here. KXAN was there, but it doesn’t look like they have stories from the weekend up on the site yet. I’ll keep an eye on their site and add a link here if it appears.

 Posted by on November 3, 2003 at 9:22 pm
Nov 022003

New pictures of the week from yesterday for both kids. Also, Sophia took a bunch of pictures at her house. Last minute changes had Lily as a princess and the three boys as frogs. I’m not sure how much kissing and prince conversion there was. They all still appear to be frogs.

From the point of view of the "trick-or-treatee", this year seemed to be full of clueless rude people. As I placed a bag of peanut M&M’s into one kids bag, he declared that he "doesn’t like the ones with peanuts" to which there could’ve been any number of responses, but I chose to scowl at him and give him a bag of regular M&M’s. We had what we thought were the last trick-or-treaters around 8:30, but we neglected to turn off our porch light. At 11:30, our doorbell rang. Of course, we looked at each other wondering who the hell would ring a doorbell that late. Apparently, a woman with 4 or 5 kids would. I wanted to tell her off, but Mary gave them candy and said nothing. We immediately turned out our porch lights and disposed of our molding pumpkin.

 Posted by on November 2, 2003 at 1:19 am
Oct 312003

I took Halloween pictures this morning on the way out the door with both the Fuji and my Nokia. I posted the Nokia shot to the moblog before we even got to school. I just got a notification from Textamerica that they picked up the shot and added it to their Halloween moblog. Kinda cool. He’s on the main page at the moment, but may get pushed to another page as more people submit stuff.

We’ll do the trick-or-treating thing and take more pics tonight. Look for them later this weekend.

 Posted by on October 31, 2003 at 7:38 pm
Oct 282003

I posted a picture of the kids at a pumpkin patch on Saturday on the moblog. We picked one out for Stepan and Jennifer’s annual pumpkin carving party on Sunday. Check out the photos taken with Stepan’s new camera. He took individual shots of the finished products. This one is ours.

 Posted by on October 28, 2003 at 5:46 pm
Oct 242003

Kuff responds to Bush’s Australia speech. Right on.

There’s new Baby Chaos as well.

Finally, we’re preparing for Halloween. The Boy’s gone from wanting to be a pirate to Stitch to Spider-Man to finally, Jango Fett. We got the costume this past Saturday. The La is supposed to be Maid Marion to Mateo’s Robin Hood with Jesse and Griffin as his Merry Men. I haven’t seen her costume yet.

 Posted by on October 24, 2003 at 7:35 pm
Oct 132003

The La’s birthday on Saturday was a quiet affair with Jaja in town to help celebrate. We got a cake with lots of frosting for the required one-year-old covered in frosting birthday pictures which I’ll get around to posting sometime this week. The La got a Rock, Roll & Ride Trike from Jaja and Grandpa Steve along with a Loveable Lily. She got the english version of Lily, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere, so I linked the Spanish version. We’re going to have to return the trike as the handlebars won’t attach to the front fork of the trike. It seems the plastic was molded poorly on the one that we got. Mateo has an assembled version which you can see in the baby chaos photos from last week. They decided to let The Boy and the babies play in the rain with some interesting results. We got her a ball tower similar to the one that Henry has, but this one allows you to hit a button that shoots the ball up a tube, across a bridge, and then down different ramps and towers depending on which gates you have open. I couldn’t find a picture online. Both The Boy and The La got into that toy.

Update: New pictures of the week from The La’s birthday are up now. Enjoy.

 Posted by on October 13, 2003 at 11:28 pm