May 252002

The ultrasound photos of the new baby are finally posted. You’ll find them linked under The Boy in the menu. Thanks to Stepan for the use of his scanner. We’re now having heated name debates. I may put up a poll with the finalists in the near future, so be on the lookout for that.

We’re going on a hunt for a “big boy” bed and some Star Wars sheets (bribes) this weekend to get The Boy to give up the crib. We may decide just to give him The Wife’s old full bed. It’d have the benefit of clearing out the guest room to make way for the baby and we wouldn’t have to shell out the cash for a new bed for him. We haven’t decided yet.

I’m psyched to check out Insomnia after all of the good reviews it’s gotten this week. Check out Paul Tatara’s review which is linked in the “Recent Reviews” block on his database page.

 Posted by on May 25, 2002 at 7:13 am
May 222002

I know what you’re all here for, so I guess I’ll just come out and say it. It’s…….a……….girl!

We actually weren’t too surprised. This pregnancy has gone quite differently than the first, so we figured that it was a girl. She’s got all the right parts in all the right places and the due date is exactly what we thought it was, October 10th or thereabouts. We’re officially at the midpoint of the pregnancy right now. I think I can commandeer a scanner at work tomorrow, so I’ll post the ultrasound photos in the afternoon.

 Posted by on May 22, 2002 at 3:14 am
May 172002

The title of this post is appropriate for two reasons:

  1. This. All I have to say is, “It’s about time,” and who ever thought I’d be anticipating the arrival of something on TNN.
  2. The other reason is an amusing The Boy anecdote. The Wife called me at work yesterday as usual after picking The Boy up from daycare. The first thing out of her mouth is that she has something to talk about, but she’s not sure if she wants to talk around The Boy. My mind immediately starts going through all kinds of wild things. I can’t imagine what it would be that she would make a point of saying that she needed to say it out of his earshot. She finally just decides to tell me. I haven’t actually talked to any of the teachers yet, so you’re getting this fourth hand. I’m hoping to get some more details tomorrow.At some point during the day yesterday, The Boy decided that it would be raucously funny to drop his pants in the middle of his daycare class. Apparently he was correct in his decision as no less than five other kids thought it was a great idea and followed suit. If you’re laughing right now, you’re not alone in your reaction. This is exactly what I did on the phone after being told and my third hand account tells me that one of the teachers had a hard time holding back a giggle as well. The even more interesting part is that this is the second time he has done it. They just decided not to tell us the first time.

    So, it appears we have a class clown on our hands (or a budding exhibitionist). I had a talk with him last night. It’s one of those weird parent things. You don’t want him to think nudity is wrong, you just don’t want him turning into the mad flasher. I told him he’s only allowed to drop his pants outside of the house when he’s going to the bathroom. I was afraid if I told him he couldn’t do it anywhere outside the house, I’d hear about some horrible potty accident the next day. It’s tough because he’s so literal minded right now. When I asked him why he did it, he told me, “Because it’s funny.” And who can argue with that?

 Posted by on May 17, 2002 at 8:05 am
May 132002

Once again, the picture of the week lives up to it’s name. Check out the new one.

We’ve scheduled the ultrasound for the new baby on the 21st (a week from tomorrow).

In sad news, my Great Aunt Cora died on Friday. It was quite unexpected, so my relatives in England are having a rough time. I really wish I had gotten back over there. I haven’t seen her since 1991. I think things like this are starting to affect me more as I get older.

 Posted by on May 13, 2002 at 10:55 pm
May 022002

How much do we love our audience here at So much that we’re giving you the opportunity to see a bonus picture from Eeyore’s this past Saturday. Now you can see our little budding Longhorn (or metalhead, depending on your point of view) in action. Photo credits go to Omid.

 Posted by on May 2, 2002 at 10:53 pm
Apr 292002

Eeyore’s was fun as usual. We actually stayed a few hours longer than we originally planned. For those of you that have never been or don’t live in Austin, here’s a bunch of pictures that give a good feel for what it’s like. The Boy and The Wife are in the background of one of the pictures on page 4.

I did exciting stuff like mow the lawn and clean the air filter for the air conditioner on Sunday. I also managed to watch the second half of the Sixers-Celtics game and all of the Mavericks-Timberwolves game. Nowitzki was unconscious in the first half. The Mavs look awful damn good. It’ll be interesting to see how far they make it.

 Posted by on April 29, 2002 at 9:37 am
Apr 102002

The Wife had an appointment with the midwife this morning. They were able to hear the babys heartbeat with the doppler and everything seems to be fine (approx. 150 beats per minute).

Assuming the due date is correct, this week marks the end of the first trimester. The Wife’s been having a tougher time with fatigue and nausea than what she had with The Boy. This is leading to speculation that this one is a girl. I’m reserving judgment for an ultrasound sometime late next month where we plan on finding out the gender (assuming the baby cooperates). The next midwife appointment is May 7th, I believe. We’ll probably schedule the ultrasound then.

 Posted by on April 10, 2002 at 12:26 am
Mar 062002

Yep, we went and did it again. The Wife is 9 weeks pregnant. We go in for the first attempt to doppler for heart sounds this coming Tuesday. Her current estimated due date is October 10th. Let’s see if I can cover the other standard questions. Yes, we’re using a midwife again, but a different one than last time as she has gone out of business. Yes, we’ll probably find out if it’s a boy or a girl. The ultrasound that will (hopefully) reveal the sex will most likely be in May.

 Posted by on March 6, 2002 at 9:49 pm
Feb 242002

Now that The Boy’s hair has lost most of its curls, we went for a shorter haircut. The Wife didn’t go and it ended up a little shorter than planned. She wasn’t too happy

 Posted by on February 24, 2002 at 4:22 am
Feb 122002

I was driving The Boy to daycare this morning and had to unleash an SBD halfway there. A minute or so after doing it, I hear from the back of the car, “You stinky, daddy. It stinks.” I look back there and he’s holding his nose. At first, I’m impressed that he deduced it was me, then I’m annoyed that he assumes it was me. I tell him that I’ll roll down the window to get rid of the smell. I cracked it about 1/4 of the way down. The next thing I hear from the back, “Open it more.”

Doh. It’s bad enough that I have to deal with The Wife’s complaints, now I’m getting critiqued by a person who only recently stopped shitting his own pants.

 Posted by on February 12, 2002 at 10:54 pm